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The GoD List: Comics For August 7, 2013
Henchman21   |  @   |  

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Each and every week, I, “Fullmetal Alchemist” Henchman21, and “Heavy Metal Alchemist” Empress Eve read a lot of comics. Seriously you guys, a lot of comics. Maybe too many comics. I mean, it is possible”¦ theoretically. Naturally, we look forward to some more than others. I mean, who doesn’t? So, let’s take a look into the depths of our pull lists, grab some comics, and we’ll let YOU know what the top books to look forward to are for the week of August 7, 2013. Single issues and trades, they’re all here.

It’s another one of those weeks where a lot of my favorite series have new issues, but we also get a few new series to sink our teeth into. And sadly we see the end of a series that just couldn’t find its audience. We’ve got all that plus so much more, so let’s not waste anymore time as we get ready for another edition of The GoD List!

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A Beginner’s Guide to Neil Gaiman
Empress Eve   |  @   |  

Don’t ask me why, but I’ve been working all day under the assumption that today was November 9, 2008. It’s only now in the evening that I realize that it’s actually November 10, hence the reason why this Neil Gaiman feature celebrating the author’s 48th birthday today is coming so late (sorry Neil!).

For those of you who don’t know about Neil Gaiman’s contributions to the geek world, I both pity and envy you — pity because of the deprivation you’ve experienced thus far; envy because if you follow the advice I’m about to give you, a whole new world is going to open up to you — and it’s a truly exhilarating experience.

One thing you’ll learn pretty quickly is that Gaiman is versatile enough to dabble in various literary categories, so there’s something out there for everyone — even the kids. Since Neil’s been writing for a such long time, you might not know where to begin. So, to help you out on your impending magical, eye-opening, life-changing journey, here’s a list of Neil Gaiman writings you need familiarize yourself with immediately (trust me, you’ll be thankful you did).

[Happy Birthday, Neil!]

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Esse é um guia para quem quer se iniciar em Neil Gaiman [A Beginner’s Guide To Neil Gaiman]
Empress Eve   |  @   |  

*The following is a translation in Portuguese of our A Beginner’s Guide To Neil Gaiman feature. Thank you to reader Pati Fimbrethil for the translation!

*Obrigado ao leitor Pati Fimbrethil para traduzir este artigo em Português.

Para aqueles de vocês que não conhecem as contribuições de Neil Gaiman para o mundo geek, eu tanto os invejo como tenho pena de vocês – pena por causa da privação que vocês sofreram até hoje; inveja porque se vocês seguirem o conselho que eu estou prestes a dar, um novo mundo inteiro se abrirá pra vocês – e é uma experiência verdadeiramente arrebatadora.

Uma coisa que você aprenderá bem rápido é que Gaiman é versátil o bastante para escrever em várias categorias literárias, então tem alguma coisa aí fora pra todo mundo – até para as crianças. Uma vez que Neil já está escrevendo há tanto tempo, pode ser que você não saiba por onde começar. Então, para ajudá-lo(a) nessa sua iminente experência mágica, aqui está uma lista dos escritos de Neil Gaiman com os quais você precisa se familiarizar imediatamente (confie em mim, você agradecerá por tê-lo feito).

[Feliz Aniversário, Neil!]

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