The Drill Down 571: Black Hole Fun

This week, Tosin goes to PAX, the UK cracks down on net safety, is Netflix killing cinemas…or buying them? Amazon send satellites into space, our first look at a black hole, and much more.
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Topics: Apps, Computers, Conventions, Electronics, Features, Gadgets, Games, Pax, Podcasts, Science, Software, Space, Technology, The Drill Down, Video Games
Tags: Alexa, Amazon, black holes, electric vehicles, EU, European Union, Event Horizon Telescope, Facebook, games, gaming, Google, internet, Japan, JAXA, Jeff Bezos, Netflix, PAX, PAX East, Penny Arcade Expo, Space, SpaceX, Tesla, Twitter, UK, Video Games, videogames
The Drill Down 322: Lab Vaginas and Space Twins

This week, Google Glass opens to the public for one day, did the NSA know about Heartbleed…and exploit it?, Google invests in drones, nature docs come to the Oculus Rift, lab vaginas, space twins, and much more…
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Tags: Dropbox, Facebook, Google, Google Glass, Healthcare.gov, Heartbleed, Heartbleed bug, Microsoft, National Security Agency, NSA, Oculus, Oculus Rift, PAX, PAX East, Sir David Attenborough, Steam, Titan Aerospace, Twitter, Video Games, videogames, XP
‘BioShock Infinite’ Barbershop Quartet Cosplayers Sing “God Only Knows” (Video)

One of the coolest things about BioShock Infinite is the collection of songs you hear throughout the game that are old-timey covers of popular tunes that won’t be recorded until decades after the 1912-set story. Some of the songs covered include “Everybody Wants to Rule the World,” “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun,” and “Tainted Love.”
My personal favorite of these songs comes early on in the game, before the story really gets started and you’re just walking around taking in the incredible world you’re visiting. When you walk past a certain point, a floating stage ship appears carrying a barbershop quartet who sing a lovely rendition of the Beach Boys classic “God Only Knows.” It’s one of many surreal and memorable moments that make Infinite a must-play.
PAX East was recently held and lots of great cosplayers attended the convention. One group of said cosplayers went as the BioShock barbershop quartet, and not only did they look the part but also delivered the song as well.
You can see a video of the quartet in the game (if you haven’t played yet) and a video of the cosplayers singing below.
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The Drill Down 271: Reps Forked By Dongle

This week, a global Internet apocalypse is upon us!… or is it? Twitter turns seven, Blizzard‘s next Warcraft is not an RPG but a card game, streaming video heats up, the iPhone’s on T-Mobile, Scientists plan a real Jurassic Park, and a dongle joke that spiraled way out of control.
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Tags: Blizzard, Children of Liberty, CloudFlare, CyberBunker, Daylight, DDOS, Dive Kick, DNA, dongle, HBO Go, iPhone, Johann Sebastian Joust, Jurassic Park, PAX, PAX East, PlayHaven, PyCon, Python, RPG, SendGrid, Shootmania, SpamHaus, Spotify, Summly, t mobile, Twitter, World of Warcraft, WoW, Yahoo