Logan’s Run: Aftermath #4
Written by Paul J. Salamoff
Art by Mike Dorman
Colors by Aurelio Alfonso
Letters by Bernie Lee
Graphics by Jason Brock, William F. Nolan, Paul J. Salamoff
Logo Design by Patrick Foster
Cover by Mike Dorman
Bluewater Comics
Release Date: December 21th, 2011
Cover Price: $3.99
I have to admit, Logan’s Run: Aftermath #4 took me by surprise. It was actually a really good science fiction story, that, like all good Sci-Fi stories, is routed in humanity.
This issue is basically the story of Tara, the main character’s long-time rival. Instead of making her a villain just for the sake of having an antagonist, writer Paul J. Salamoff gives her a very credible “origin” story that shows her slow descent into conflict with Logan. And it’s a great story, one that builds slowly, not just a “he embarrassed me so I’m going to make him pay” kind of tale. Very entertaining read and I’m actually looking forward to the next issue.
My biggest gripe with this issue was the art. Penciler Mike Dorman does a fantastic job for the main part of the book, which is a flashback, but the framing sequences that are sent in “present” time really are quite different and not in a good way. He changes up his style drastically for them, and it’s quite frankly, jarring. Faces appear elongated and out of proportion and the coloring really doesn’t help the art at all. I think a wiser decision could have been made regarding this. Maybe a different artist all together would’ve worked out better.
If you’re a fan of Logan’s Run or just a science fiction fan in general or just like a good, fun comic, I suggest that you give this one a try. I went in with no expectations and was very pleasantly surprised, and I think you will be too.
Quick FYI – Though it wasn’t listed in the book, the art on the framing sequence wasn’t provided by Mike Dorman, but by Phillip Simpson, the artist on the first three issues.
Comment by Michael Dorman — January 12, 2012 @ 5:33 pm
Otherwise, thanks for the kind words!
Comment by Michael Dorman — January 12, 2012 @ 5:45 pm