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Comic Review: Snake Eyes #15
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IDW Publishing: Snake Eyes #15Snake Eyes #15
Written by Chuck Dixon
Art by Robert Atkins & Atilio Rojo
Inks by Juan Castro & Atilio Rojo
Colors by Simon Gough & Joana LaFuente
Letters by Neil Uyetake
Editors: John Barber & Carlos Guzman
Covers by Andrea Di Vito & Lee Ferguson
IDW Publishing
Release Date: July 25, 2012
Cover Price: $3.99

What Snake Eyes #15 has that I love is a whole issue of build up that’s NOT pointless. Quite the opposite, actually. And what it’s building up to… well, let’s just say if you buy one book next month, it better be Snake Eyes #16!!!!!

I hate to say it, but it’s like there’s two different Chuck Dixons in the world. There’s the Chuck Dixon who writes the monthly G.I. Joe title, and then the one who writes Snake Eyes. It’s come to my attention that Snake Eyes is the more action orientated, by far, of the two. I don’t know if Dixon feels that it’s just the nature of the beast or that he’s set out to fill every page with as much action and intrigue as he can in this book. Don’t get me wrong, G.I. Joe is a GREAT comic, but this one is that, plus infinity.

Snake Eyes #15 is a can’t-miss for a few reasons: 1) Zartan. Yes, Zartan. He’s got a minor part himself in this issue, but what HAPPENS to him will have longtime Joe fans screaming in the streets. I know I was, and 2) The rivalry between Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow is explored – more than it already has been. We get another great flashback of the two as children, where all their problems began. For little kids, there’s quite a series of events that led them to hate each other. Dixon also does a fantastic job bringing the Cobra organization into the mix. Almost nobody in the G.I. Joe universe is left out (except the Joes) in this issue, and it really feels great to have everyone thrown into the mix, some more than others. You truly get a feel of a tight, cohesive UNIVERSE here that you don’t in other books featuring the “break out star” of another title. VERY well written and the last page will have you cursing that you have to wait a month for the next issue.

And the art by Robert Atkins and Atilio Rojo is the third reason that this book is fantastic. There is no one – NO ONE – who draws Snake Eyes better than Atkins, and I will fight anyone who says different (all applicants must be under 4 feet tall and 100 pounds)!!! Atilio Rojo does a fantastic job on the flashbacks in the book, making this issue the complete and total package. Truly, a treat for the eyes.

You’re not going to want to miss this issue. It’s the calm before the storm. The perfect set up for the next issue, but there’s MORE than enough to keep you busy here. From subplots that twist and turn to a main story that’s going to knock you on your ass, this issue has it all. Highest recommendation.

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