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Your Watch Has Begun. Blizzard’s ‘Overwatch’ Launches Open Beta
Bombardier Jedi   |  @   |  

Overwatch Characters

As Overwatch inches closer and closer to it’s late May release date, the time has finally arrived for the final beta test of the product. May 5th through 9th, players on PC, PS4, and XBOne can play the game for free. And as a small bonus, Blizzard posted shortly ago that the servers are live already, so players can start downloading and protecting the Earth.

More below.

Soldiers. Scientists. Adventurers. Oddities.

In a time of global crisis, an international task force of heroes banded together to restore peace to a war-torn world: OVERWATCH.

Overwatch ended the crisis, and helped maintain peace in the decades that followed, inspiring an era of exploration, innovation, and discovery. But, after many years, Overwatch‘s influence waned, and it was eventually disbanded.

Now, conflict is rising across the world again, and the call has gone out to heroes old and new. Are you with us?

The game features over a dozen playable heroes, each with unique abilities and weapons. Gameplay is centered on a variety of traditional team based multiplayer game variants like “Deathmatch” and “Capture the Flag” (Control, Assault/Escort for example). However, what makes Overwatch unique in the genre is that this is from the team at Blizzard, so it has some great story and lore to go along with the characters. You get a real sense of personality from the heroes as you play them, and unlike other team shooters of late (cough cough Evolve, I’m looking at you), playing these guys is gonna be a blast and suck you into the story. I couldn’t even make it through the character video for Vincent without getting a little misty-eyed. Make sure to check that out below along with the trailer. Your watch has begun!

Overwatch is available for pre-order now which comes with some perks, but the game releases in full on May 24th.


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