![House Rules: A Joe DeMarco Thriller House Rules: A Joe DeMarco Thriller]()
The eBook deal of the day today for the Amazon Kindle is political thriller House Rules: A Joe DeMarco Thriller by Mike Lawson for only $.99 (that’s down from the suggest retail price of $11).
Note, this deal is valid only for today, Sunday, September 18, 2011, until 11:59PM PST.
If you’d like to own a physical copy of House Rules, the book is also available in paperback for $7.99. The paperback edition is currently part of Amazon’s 4-for-3 promotion, where you can purchase four select items for the price of three (see the Special Offers and Product Promotions section of the product page).
Text-to-Speech is enabled on this title, which is the third book in the Joe DeMarco Thriller series.
House Rules begins with the FBI stopping a terrorist attack on the Baltimore Harbor Tunnel. The terrorists were young Muslim American men, but the mastermind behind the attack was an al-Qaeda operative working in the United States. The first attack is quickly followed by three more: an attempt to fly a plane into the White House and two attempts to destroy the U.S. Capitol. All the attacks involve Muslim Americans. An atmosphere of fear and xenophobia quickly permeates the country, resulting in an ambitious senator introducing a bill to deport Muslim immigrants and do background checks on all Muslim Americans. John Mahoney, Speaker of the House, refuses to support the bill but what he doesn’t tell the media is that he is a life-long friend of one of the terrorists and has his doubts regarding the FBI’s investigation into the attacks. He sends his man DeMarco down the rabbit hole to find the truth. House Rules involves mobsters, terrorists, meth dealers, and corrupt politicians. It’s a story of assassination, terrorism, political intrigue, and greed − a story where nothing is as it seems to be.
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