Warner Brothers has signed a licensing deal with Lego to produce a Lego Batman videogame, according to Variety.
The deal comes after the huge success of the LucasArts Lego Star Wars titles, which feature the characters and settings of the Star Wars universe in Lego form. Lego Star Wars and it’s sequel sold several million units in the United States alone.
[Read the Geeks of Doom review of Lego Star Wars II.]
TT Games, developer of the Lego Star Wars games, will also follow a similar template to create Lego Batman, which Warner Brothers will release on multiple consoles in 2008.
Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment will fully finance and publish the game itself, as well as handle all distribution in North America.
The videogame won’t be Batman’s first Lego appearance. Lego already has a full line of building block sets that feature the caped crusader in his high-profile Bat vehicles chasing down Gotham City’s most feared villains.
Coolest. News. This. Year.
Comment by Dave2 — March 27, 2007 @ 2:40 pm
Dave2 — I totally thought of you when I wrote about this, because last year you bought the Batman LEGO Catwoman set and I thought it was so cool that I got it for Dave3. LEGOs rule!
Comment by Empress Eve — March 27, 2007 @ 3:03 pm
Haha! Lego Batman? Sounds awesome. ;)
Comment by Fable — March 27, 2007 @ 3:56 pm
I am sooo getting that. i hope it comes out on the WII!!!!
Comment by tomtux — March 27, 2007 @ 5:31 pm
When I buy that game, I will have reached nerdvana.
Comment by ivytheplant — March 30, 2007 @ 1:51 pm
Hopefully its as good as the lego star wars games they are always amazing.
Comment by Motorcycle Guy — April 22, 2007 @ 9:03 am
i thing lego batman the game will make it to platnium but i wonder what the gameplay will be like and i hope you can build and drive the batmobile and walk around gotham city and drive around it to and i hope its the best @#$%$#@ lego video game ever made in the whole world.
Comment by harrsion goodwin — September 28, 2007 @ 8:11 am