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New Full-Length ‘Super 8’ Trailer May Be The Best You’ve Seen In A Long Time
The Movie God   |  @   |  

We’ve seen the teaser trailer that director J.J. Abrams made for his highly-anticipated new movie, Super 8, before he even had a cast. We’ve seen the TV spot that debuted during the Super Bowl last month. But until you’ve seen this brand new full-length theatrical trailer, you simply haven’t seen anything yet.

For those who don’t know, Super 8 is not only produced by the living legend himself, Steven Spielberg, but it’s also a homage to his films of the ’70s and ’80s. That’s how the film was described anyway — you never really know how much words like that are just fluff in hopes of building excitement. Now we can rest easy, as the new trailer shows that even with the usage of some CGI, there is hope that the magic of Spielberg’s classic science fiction films has indeed been captured once again.

You can see the brilliant new theatrical trailer for Super 8 by clicking on over to the other side now.

Theatrical Trailer


  1. i’ve been waiting for that for a LONG time! Dying to see what the “monster” looks like! :)

    Comment by Henryc3 — March 11, 2011 @ 5:30 pm

  2. I know what I’m doing June 10th! This looks fascinating and that the children appear to be the main characters? I think Stephen Spielberg has created some mesmerizing war pieces but I feel like he’s at his aboslute best when children are central to the plot. Something about experiencing the story from an unjaded, unadulterated perspective makes it more interesting. Going to be an exciting summer!

    Comment by Anonymous — March 12, 2011 @ 4:15 am

  3. Looks like an updated Goonies, but in a good way…not a crappy remake way

    Comment by Foreviper — March 12, 2011 @ 1:39 am

  4. I’m thinking Spielberg should quietly bring JJ in on the next Indy movie (if there ever is one).

    Comment by Ed Dexter — March 12, 2011 @ 2:32 pm

  5. Wow! Indiana Jones never even crossed my mind when I was thinking of the “better” Spielberg movies, but yours is a great idea. Bring on JJ and treat us to Indiana Jones and the Quest for Redemption!

    Comment by Anonymous — March 12, 2011 @ 7:26 pm

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