G.I. Joe: Special Missions #3
Written by Chuck Dixon
Art by Paul Gulacy
Colors by Aburtov & Grafikslava
Letters by Neil Uyetake
Consulting Editor: John Barber
Editor: Carlos Guzman
Covers by Jim Rugg, Sean Chen, and Paul Gulacy
IDW Publishing
Release Date: May 15, 2013
Cover Price: $3.99
G.I. Joe: Special Missions #3 contains a boat-load of action. Pun intended. We’ve got a small team of Joes trying to take down The Baroness, while Serpentor’s up to no good again.
Chuck Dixon’s latest chapter in this opening arc of the book is all action! And that’s the way it should be. After a couple of awesome issues of set up, we start full tilt in the story where the action is non stop, and it continues at that pace for the rest of the issue with about 2 pages of time for you to breathe. There’s a LOT going on here, but it’s all told well, it never gets confusing. The Serpentor story line moves closer to an intersect with the main story, and it’s going to be interesting to see just how and when they cross over. My only complaint is that the Joes rely on a couple of random people to help them, when Dixon easily could’ve had those roles filled by a couple of active Joe members that we’d like to see.
As far as the art goes, hey, it’s the legendary Paul Gulacy. One of my favorite books that he ever drew was the Dark Horse James Bond book, and in that vein, he’s just as good here. He excels at this kind of real-life military storytelling, and, I have to admit, The Baroness has never looked curvier.
If this is your first time picking up this book, shame on you. Grab numbers 1 and 2 while you’re at it. It works on both a G.I. Joe level AND a “war stories” level. Great art, great story, great action, great comic!
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