Each and every week, I, “Fullmetal Alchemist” Henchman21, and “Heavy Metal Alchemist” Empress Eve read a lot of comics. Seriously you guys, a lot of comics. Maybe too many comics. I mean, it is possible”¦ theoretically. Naturally, we look forward to some more than others. I mean, who doesn’t? So, let’s take a look into the depths of our pull lists, grab some comics, and we’ll let YOU know what the top books to look forward to are for the week of August 7, 2013. Single issues and trades, they’re all here.
It’s another one of those weeks where a lot of my favorite series have new issues, but we also get a few new series to sink our teeth into. And sadly we see the end of a series that just couldn’t find its audience. We’ve got all that plus so much more, so let’s not waste anymore time as we get ready for another edition of The GoD List!
Henchman 21

Trillium #1 (of 8) (DC/Vertigo Comcis – $2.99) The Vertigo renaissance continues this week as Jeff Lemire (Sweet Tooth) launches his new 8-issue miniseries, Trillium. You want a high concept? How about this: a love story between a botanist in the year 3797 and an English explorer in 1921. Oh, and apparently their love will cause the end of the world, so there’s that. Oh, and the first issue is a 28-page flip book that tells the two sides of the stories from different ends of the book. So not only is the story sure to be mind-bending, but the presentation is going to add to the whole package. Lemire has one of the most unique art styles in all of comics which I know is not for everyone, but I have loved it since I first saw it. I also love a story that isn’t afraid to be a little weird, which is exactly what this sounds like. I was excited to read this based purely on Lemire’s name, and then I read the description and became even more excited. I can’t wait to read this.
Dial H #15 (DC Comics – $4.99) Meanwhile, we’ve got the end of one of DC’s more imaginative series of the last year, with China Mieville‘s Dial H coming to a close with an oversized 48-page finale. I wish this series had found an audience, but the Dial H concept seems to be one of those things that creators love to try their hand at every few years to increasingly diminished returns. You can’t hold that against Mieville, a novelist by trade who brought a bunch of cool ideas to this series, and I hope that he will not be turned off by this experience and will try his hand at another series based on his own ideas. There is always room for new voices in comics, and I don’t want to see anyone leave, especially just as they’re getting their feet wet. As for this series, find the trades once it’s all been collected to see what you missed out on. (Vol. 1 is out now; Vol. 2 will be released in February.)
Atomic Robo and the Savage Sword of Dr. Dinosaur #2 (of 5) (Red 5 Comics – $3.50) Why should you buy this? Because it’s Atomic Robo and it’s awesome and he fights a dinosaur and did I mention he’s a robot? That’s kind of important. Anyway, Atomic Robo is the perfect comic for young and old alike. I’ve told you about Atomic Robo already, so just but it already.
Burn the Orphanage: Born to Lose #1 (of 3) (Image Comics – $3.99) Sina Grace of The Lil’ Depressed Boy has a new series for you that is very different than his previous work. Where LDP was a slice of life romance comic book, Burn the Orphanage is a high concept action series about three orphans out for revenge against an army of goons, punks, and stripper ninjas. I’m curious to see this mostly because it’s just so different from his previous work, which I loved. Grace didn’t get much of a chance to show off his action chops in LDP, so it will be interesting to see what he does with this series.
Empress Eve

Lady Rawhide #1 (Dynamite Entertainment – $3.99) I’ll admit, Lady Rawhide #1 caught my attention with its cover art by Joseph Michael Linsner, who is best known for his beautiful, red-headed comic book character Dawn. For this cover, Lady Rawhide, a character from the Zorro universe from the 1990s, looks a lot like Dawn, which, like I said, was the draw here. But, aside from the cover, I’m definitely interested in the story by Eric Trautmann, who I enjoyed on two other Dynamite’s properties, Red Sonja and Flash Gordon: Zeitgeist. In this debut issue, which is the first of a five-part series, Lady Rawhide faces a new team of vigilantes known as the Sisters of the White Rose, who were actually inspired by the lasso-carrying heroine, but she can’t go along with their actions, even though she agrees with them. Definitely looking forward to adding another book to my pull-list that features a beautiful, strong female lead.
Marvel 1602 HC 10th Anniversary Edition (Marvel Comics – $29.99) I remember the thrill I felt back in 2003 whenever a new issue of Neil Gaiman’s 1602 was released. The 8-issue miniseries took place in an alternate timeline where the Marvel characters lived in towards the end of the Elizabethan era, where they had to keep their superpowers a secret. Not all the superheroes and supervillains were easily or immediately recognizable, so part of the excitement was figuring out who they were. Now, the series has been collected in an oversized 10th anniversary hardcover edition, which features all-new cover by original series cover artist Scott McKowen. Fun for fans of Marvel and a must for Neil Gaiman fans. (Note, while the list price is $29.99, TFAW has it available right now for the discounted price of $23.99; if you want to order from Amazon, it’s $22.98, but won’t be released there until 8/27.)
Quick Picks
– Frank Miller Robocop Last Stand #1 (of 8)
– It Came #1 (of 4)
– Ghosts And Ruins HC
– Abe Sapien #5
– B.P.R.D. Hell on Earth Volume 6 – The Return of the Master TPB
– Kick-ass 3 #2 (of 8)
– Lords Of Mars #1
Recommendations from the Doom Crew
– Lady Rawhide #1: Overall, this is a REALLY impressive start for this series. – PS Hayes [Review]
– Henchmen: If you’re looking for a nice humorous take on superheroes, I give this a hearty thumbs up – Henchman21 [Review]
– Skyward #2: [Jeremy] Dale’s art excels in this issue just as in the last. With any given situation and character involved, body language and facial expressions are spot on in every panel. – Maximus Prime [Review]
– Transformers: Robots in Disguise #20: This is an amazing continuation of the story of Robots in Disguise. – TheRawrMonster [Review]
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