There are many characters in the DC Universe that have a small but loyal fanbase, with the galactic bounty hunter Lobo being one of the most popular. Since his creation by Roger Slifer and Keith Giffen in the pages of Omega Men back in 1983, Lobo has gone through a number of different iterations, largely remaining a comedic foil for other heroes to fight or occasionally team up with. Lobo has already been introduced once into DC’s revamped New 52 continuity in the pages of Deathstroke, but it turns out that was not the bastich that fans know and love.
According to DC comics, the “real” Lobo will make his introduction in the pages of Justice League 23.2: Lobo (a one-shot scheduled for release on September 11, 2013). DC is making a big deal about the reintroduction; not only are they bringing the Main Man back, but they are also giving him a whole new look, courtesy of artist Kenneth Rocafort. The new look is quite a departure, making him younger and leaner than he has been in the past.
Check out the new Lobo image here below, along with three other proposed designs that didn’t make the cut.
In Justice League 23.2: Lobo (by Marguerite Bennett, Ben Oliver, Cliff Richards, and Daniel Brown), the new Lobo goes on a hunt for the previous Lobo, searching across the far side of the galaxy to take out the man who has stolen his name. It’s anyone’s guess what this will have to do with the Justice League, but I’m willing to bet that the Main Man will soon be on a crash course with the League.
Now, here’s my question for DC on this reintroduction: What are you trying to do with this new version of Lobo? Classically, Lobo has been a humorous character, whose mayhem has generally been played for laughs. He was the precursor for Deadpool and other anti-heroes. However, the info that DC is giving out uses words like “ruthless killer,” “darker and more logical,” and other buzzwords that make me worried they are taking the character in a direction that long-term fans may not like. Add in the new look to the character, and you’ve got something that may not have you as excited as DC would hope.
This Lobo is equal parts strong, vicious, and driven. There’s a darker and more logical idea about what a force of nature like him is capable of. After all, this is someone who can infiltrate high society, fly a space ship, and adhere to a very specific moral code that’s not your typical anti-hero one. Oh, and, this one-shot takes place very far away from Earth. And when I say very far away, I mean it takes place literally on the other side of the galaxy.
Artist Rocafort created several designs for the new Lobo, according to DC, who then chose one that they described as updating Lobo’s “facial tattoos and weaponry by adding laser edges to his blades and gloves that’ll give him extra strength with their mechanical usage.”

[The three proposed designs for new Lobo by artist Kenneth Rocafort not chosen by DC.]You’ll have to wait a couple weeks to see if this is a better version of Lobo then what is currently running around or if DC is going to have to take another run at redesigning him.
New Resigned ‘Real’ Lobo

[The fourth design for new Lobo by artist Kenneth Rocafort that was chosen by DC.][Source: DC Comics]
I’ll bet you five bucks that this ‘new’ Lobo sparkles when in sunlight.
Comment by Fred Lang — August 25, 2013 @ 6:15 am
I prefer the old Lobo.
Comment by UNCARING1 — August 25, 2013 @ 10:38 am
What…what is this… I dont even… Why does this Lobo look like he should be spending most of his time crouched in a bathroom stall with a razor, cutting himself because thats the only way he can control the pain?
Comment by Robert Weston — August 26, 2013 @ 8:37 pm
Lets hope the old Lobo will kill the new one
Comment by leanton31 — August 28, 2013 @ 4:27 pm
Katanas, greased anime hair, why not just rename him Weeobo?
Comment by A Gawd Dang Mongolian — August 29, 2013 @ 8:20 pm
More like Lame-O.
Almost looks as lame as the Pre-Crisis Lobo (Pre-leather)-in purple Spandex
The great thing about Lobo was the humour (that Marvel ripped off for Deadpool).
I didn’t see the “New 52” Lobo in Deathstroke #9 but the idea of him as a Czaranian slaver sux. So the “Real” Lobo may be an improvement from that version, but it’ll never hold a candle to the glory years of Giffen/Bisley!
Comment by Edison Carter — August 30, 2013 @ 3:42 am
I’m genuinely hoping this is all a publicity stunt by DC, or perhaps an extended April Fools prank.
Comment by Geoffrey McGinnis — September 3, 2013 @ 1:40 pm
So this is a NEW COKE scam to disgust all DC COMICS readers with a shittier version of LOBO.
And then they plan on introducing CLASSIC LOBO (filled with cheap corn syrup instead of sugar like the original COKE product).
DC COMICS — Alienating all that supported them while disgusting all future customers. WHATEVER COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG?!?
Comment by Private_Eyescream — October 21, 2013 @ 6:24 am
I seriously don’t like this design. I mean, I would, if it weren’t Lobo. Lobo’s…big, dark, crazy and fun. this…looks like an anime space-opera. and please don’t tell me this is what he turned into
Comment by Tobii — October 22, 2013 @ 5:07 pm
I think the main problem of this redesign is that Lobo wasn’t gay actually :-/
Comment by Johnny Bè — April 29, 2014 @ 4:14 am
The new Lobo is not the Main Man, looks very gay…. I hope the the old lobo will return and kill this…. this..aberration!
Comment by Alex OpriÅŸiu — May 26, 2014 @ 10:53 am
I really like the new design…but…that’s nothing like the actual character it’s a ‘reboot’ of…they should just use it and make it a new character. Maybe Lobo’s got a brooding sidekick type that he likes to make fun of and totally gets into trouble
Comment by Cassandra — April 24, 2015 @ 3:11 am
Cool. The old Lobo was too annoying, too ridiculous to my taste – much like that stupid Guy Gardner. I really hope to see many cool stories with this character.
Comment by Paulo R. Mendes — April 5, 2016 @ 1:54 pm
Personally, I prefer Deadpool. The old Lobo sucks.
Comment by Paulo R. Mendes — April 5, 2016 @ 1:55 pm
He don’t appears “very gay” – he appears to be a lean, mean killing machine.
Comment by Paulo R. Mendes — April 5, 2016 @ 1:56 pm
It would be cool to see the old Lobo turned in a very problematic “sidekick” of the real Lobo – the kind of sidekick the only gives to you problem and always receives a beating from his boss.
Comment by Paulo R. Mendes — April 5, 2016 @ 1:59 pm
Maybe that’s their view on what it means to be very gay?
Like, “Be careful guys, the T-1000 is way too gay for us to defeat without a plan,” or something.
Still prefer the old Lobo, though.
Comment by Thedrunkardkid — May 13, 2016 @ 10:11 pm