‘Alien’ 35th Anniversary Blu-ray Edition Coming This Fall
By Adam Frazier
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Friday, September 12th, 2014 at 12:42 pm
Twentieth Century Fox is releasing a 35th anniversary edition Blu-ray of Ridley Scott‘s Alien on October 7, 2014. This looks like a great pick-up for those of you who don’t own the incredible Alien Anthology set.
The ALIEN: 35th Anniversary Edition set includes both the theatrical version and director’s cut on Blu-ray, along with audio commentaries, deleted scenes, and more. Also included: a reprint of the original Alien illustrated comic and all-new, and collectible art cards as a tribute to the late H.R. Giger, creator of the iconic movie monster that started it all.
Check out the full details and box art here below.
Fans can help celebrate the 35th anniversary of Alien by joining the fight at www.AlienRevolt.com. Simply login to Facebook to create your profile, choose your team and complete the missions, sharing your triumphs with friends. The more badges you earn, the bigger chance you have taking home some great Alien prizes, including H.R. Giger’s Alien Diaries, a copy of the all-new Alien: Isolation video game from Sega, and more!
ALIEN: 35th Anniversary Edition Blu-ray Special Features:
Includes the 1979 Theatrical Version and 2003 Director’s Cut
Audio Commentary by Director Ridley Scott, Cast and Crew
Audio Commentary by Ridley Scott (Theatrical Version)
Introduction by Ridley Scott (Director’s Cut)
Final Theatrical Isolated Score by Jerry Goldsmith
Composer’s Original Isolated Score by Jerry Goldsmith
Deleted and Extended Scenes
Digital HD Copy
Alien Illustrated Comic
Collectible Art Cards
Pre-order the ALIEN: 35th Anniversary Edition now.
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Students of the Unusual™ comic cover used with permission of 3BoysProductions
The Mercuri Bros.™ comic cover used with permission of Prodigal Son Press
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