It wasn’t too long ago that we saw a couple of other Lady Death Kickstarters (Damnation Game and Chaos Rules) from creator Brian Pulido. I backed them both and was more than happy to do it again, it is Lady Death after all! As with his other fundraisers, Pulido sets realistic goals and puts together some amazing rewards.
Read on to find out more about Pulido’s new graphic novel Lady Death: Extinction Express, his latest venture into the world (or is that underworld) of Lady Death, and to watch the official Kickstarter video!
First of all, I tend to work under the assumption that the reader knows the character at hand. Unfortunately, that isn’t always the case. In order to give the new folks a chance to know what’s what, here’s what the team at Coffin Comics has to say about her:
Lady Death is a supernatural, sword-wielding anti-hero who battles evil. Once she was Hope, a teenaged girl who is deceived by demons in an effort to save her mother’s soul in Hell. She renounces her mortality for eternal life in Hell. To ensure her survival, she turns to the darkness within herself and begins a transformation into Lady Death.
Of course, that’s just the bare bones of her origin, I urge you to dig up (get it? She’s from Hell, so you have to dig her up… *sigh* tough room) the old comics. The great thing about each of these Kickstarter graphic novels is that you can jump into any story without getting lost, that’s the beauty of each self-contained comic. This particular story falls right in line after the last two crowdfunded ones, the official plot is that the Elders have had enough of Lady Death and have sanctioned the use of an crossbred assassin to kill her once and for all. A hybrid mix of angel and demon, Atrocitas is a killer of the first rank. Unfortunately, this meeting has set in motion the death of a “beloved character” and may bring about the extinction of our anti-hero. Another high point is that the Kickstarter page speaks of the return of Hellwitch as well as introducing a new player to the scene.
The assembled team of authors and artists is like coming home again. Brian Pulido and Mike Maclean are co-writers again on this one, this is the fourth Kickstarter they have worked on together. Dheeraj Verma is illustrating this one, just like he did the other two Lady death projects. Colorist Sabine Rich has worked on the other Lady Death Kickstarters and is back for a third one. And rounding out the group is Marshal Dillon, continuing his relationship with the Coffin Comics team by lettering this new graphic novel. These veterans have done spectacularly in the past and I have no doubt they will continue to do so.
And now for the rewards, my favorite part of the whole shebang. If you aren’t familiar with crowdfunding in general or Kickstarter in particular, the vast majority of these fundraisers reward contributors with all sorts of goodies, usually staged by level of pledge to entice us to spend more money. It works, by the way. I have gotten some ridiculously awesome rewards over the years, especially from this particular creator (he signed everything last time, and I do mean everything). This time around, there are a lot of options for the supporters of this event. Starting at a mere five dollars, you can get a digital copy of this comic. Thirteen gets you all three of the Kickstarter Lady Death comics digitally, too. If dead tree versions are more your style, the physical comic levels start at twenty bucks. If you are in it for the art, those bundles start at twenty-five smackers. There are a wide range of combinations and the variety of prints, books and extras is more than I can conveniently list. Hell, there are editions that have metal covers, and others even come with Swarovski crystals set into the book! And for the serious collector, or in this case about a dozen and a half of them, you can get your own personalized cover with your persona alongside Lady Death! How cool would that be? But probably the best part of any of the Lady Death rewards is the fact that you won’t have to wait long for your stuff. The whole comic is completed, this Kickstarter is just to fund the production of Extinction Express #1.
Additionally, folks. I emailed Brian Pulido and asked him for a quote for this Spotlight and he just wanted to basically say thanks to all the supporters, as you can see here:
“I am humbled, amazed and eternally grateful at the support we are receiving on our Lady Death: Extinction Express #1 Kickstarter campaign. Our “Fiends” are the best and we know, without a doubt, that Lady Death LIVES because of you.”
This Kickstarter campaign was fully funded in just five minutes. That’s right, five minutes. At the time of my sitting down to write this article, it has tripled its original goal. That also means that stretch goals (and rewards) have been unlocked. This fundraiser ends on March 4, 2016 but some of the limited edition rewards are starting to get snapped up, so make sure you check it out as soon as possible. Actually, just go now. It’ll save you from being sad later. Here’s the official Kickstarter page.
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