During the Television Critics Association summer press tour last week a panel was held for Eli Roth’s History of Horror, a series coming to AMC this Halloween season which explores all things horror, similar to the recent James Cameron’s Story of Science Fiction.
Taking part in the panel was none other than Robert Englund, the horror legend best known for playing Freddy Krueger in the A Nightmare on Elm Street movies. While there he took the opportunity to reveal that over the years he’s come up with his own vision for an Elm Street movie, and the very different Freddy that would terrorize the dreams of his victims in it.
Click on over to the other side to see if Englund’s Nightmare on Elm Street is something you’d want to see happen.
Describing his intriguing vision, Englund said:
“If I had an Eli Roth budget I would have cast different actors to play Freddy for every potential victim. Because Freddy is only alive in the imagination of his future victim. They would talk about it at a slumber party, or in a locker room at school, or on the bus going home. All we know about this Fred Krueger is he wears a hat, wears a red and green striped sweater and has a clawed hand. That’s the specifics.So it could be a red and green cardigan for one Freddy. It could be an old tattered baseball cap for another Freddy. Freddy could be tall, he could be short, he could be overweight, he could be muscular. Every one of the victims could have a different Freddy they imagined. And you could haunt them with that Freddy.”
Englund has even thought about the obvious question: what about the fact that Freddy was a real person before becoming dream world hunter?
And then at the end, it would be the ultimate victim and we see Freddy peel [his face] open and maybe it’s yours truly revealed. And it’s the essence of Freddy.
It’s certainly an interesting idea, and one that would allow Englund to still play the character if he wished. The 71-year-old actor has said in the past that he’s too old to play Freddy anymore, and that Freddy vs. Jason was the last time. But if multiple actors take on the role and he only shows up for the grand finale, it would be much more doable.
Of course now that we know all of this, it would take a little bit of the oomph out of actually seeing it on the big screen. Still, it would be a unique way to approach a new movie whenever another one happens.
[Source: Nerdist]
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