Guitar wizard Joe Satriani is suing snooze rockers Coldplay, claiming that the band’s hit song “Viva La Vida” uses riffs from his 2004 instrumental “If I Could Fly.”
In the lawsuit, Satriani states that “Viva La Vida” used “substantial original portions” of his song from the album Is There Love in Space? One listen to both of these tunes and it’s obvious that this is an open and shut case, in favor of Satriani.
Now, I should be really angry with Satch (a musician for whom I happen to love) for making me actually listen to Coldplay for four whole minutes, but I was laughing so hard at Coldplay’s blatant rip-off that I decided to forgive him.
You can listen to both songs here below — and I apologize in advance for subjecting you to Coldplay, but seriously, you have to hear this. At almost a minute into “If I Could Fly” there’s a lead guitar track that is the exact melody of the chorus of “Viva La Vida.”
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