Remember that scene from Steven Spielberg‘s original Jurassic Park where Newman sabotages the park’s high-tech security measures in order to steal some dinosaur embryos and Samuel L. Muthaf***in’ Jackson! tries briefly to restore order before telling the Oscar-winning director of Gandhi that he can’t get the park back online? I’m pretty sure it was in the trailer.
Jurassic Systems is an interactive HMTL5/Javascript site created by programmer Tully Robinson that allows you to recreate this scene. When you visit the site, will be taken to the main page where the Jurassic Park scene is available to watch as a YouTube embed. It’s advised that you watch this scene before proceeding to the fun part because you will need to know the three commands Jackson’s character enters before that annoying little animation of Newman’s sweaty, bulbous noggin on a cartoon Elvis body (never noticed that part before) wagging his finger and saying, “Ah-ah-ah, you didn’t say the magic word!” Enter the three commands in the correct phrasing and order and….well, you know what happens next. The system also accepts these five basic commands: “access,” “system,” “ls,” “display,” and “help.”
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