We are told in Peter Pan that through having faith, trust, and pixie dust, we can fly. To soar. To flee from society, even if only briefly. We believe in this magic for the hope that our worries will disappear. Disney seems to possess that touch on individuals, especially “geeks” like me, who find value in a break from reality for the hope of dream-like atmospheres.
Since the devastating massacre in Aurora, Colorado, struck the United States with another tragedy, in an environment where many Americans seek diversions – at the movies – I began thinking of the importance of escapism in our society. Though we cannot avoid actuality, and boy would it be unhealthy if we denied truth, I feel we must continue to place merit in visiting worlds of whimsy. Whether they be fictional in the form of Disney films, or where the lines become blurred even further in the Disney theme parks, Americans shall always depart from reality in favor of some fantasy.
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