By Seaberry
Disney’s Hero Squad Ultraheroes #3
Written by Alessandro Ferrari & Ivan Saidenberg
Art by Antonella Dalena & Carlos Edgard Herrero
Colors by Magic Eye Studios & Mickey Clausen
Letters by Deron Bennett
BOOM! Studios
Price: $2.99
Release Date: March 31, 2010
Disney’s Hero Squad Ultraheroes #3 my first time reading any of the new Disney comics from BOOM! Studios, as well as my first time reading any Disney comics in several years. I was interested to see what kind of comics Disney were producing for the younger readers, and I was not disappointed.
In the first story, “Good and Evil,” we see the Duck Avenger (Donald Duck’s superhero identity) track down the Phantom Blot in a sewer. Apparently, the Ultraheroes have been battling Emil Eagle’s Sinister 7 over devices called Ultrapods. The Duck Avenger and Phantom Blot engage in a very interesting and humorous battle over the Ultrapods. The battle will delight kids, as well as any parents or other adult Disney fans with all the counterattacks staged by Duck Avenger and the Phantom Blot.
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