I had the supreme pleasure of sitting down and chatting with Jeffrey Kaufman via Skype. I must say, this man is hilarious. Never in my life have I done an interview with someone who made me laugh for almost an hour and a half. We spoke about Whore, his new graphic novel, as well as a plethora of other things in comic industry. Kaufman was open and honest on every topic, never hesitating to express his true feelings. I appreciated the candor and hope that you enjoy this as much as I did.
Geeks of Doom: How are you doing today?
Jeffrey Kaufman: It’s been that kind of day for me today. I did a radio show earlier today, it’s kind of funny it’s one of those shows where the D.J.s just beat the crap out of you for a half hour. (laughter)
GoD: How was that? Enjoyable?
JK: In a BDSM kind of way, but it was one of those fun times where you just try to just roll with it. What’s always funny about that is that everyone always says the same thing about it “oh, you’re just trying to get attention.” No, I was actually shooting to have half the stores not carry my books, that was the goal. It’s amazing, people go “oh you’re just trying to be controversial.”  Yeah, that’s what I was doing. (sarcasm) But my intention was to, no matter how the book got reviewed, to get my ass kicked by every store owner on the planet, yeah”¦ that was the goal. (laughter)
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