The Lone Ranger #8
Written by Ande Parks
Art by Esteve Polls
Colors by Marcelo Pinto
Letters by Simon Bowland
Cover by Francesco Francavilla
Dynamite Entertainment
Release Date: August 1, 2012
Cover Price: $3.99
In The Lone Ranger #8, the origin of Tonto continues. But let me forewarn you, it’s not pretty. At all. Nor should it be. I mean, this IS the old west we’re talking about. After reading two issues of this title that revolve around Tonto, I can honestly say that I would read a Tonto solo title.
Writer Ande Parks is up to his old tricks again – writing awesome comics! This issue, as we get further into the “current” storyline (but not by much), we learn the next installment of Tonto’s origin. This is a GREAT comic. A great, well thought-out story, but I have to say, it’s a little on the heartbreaking side. After reading the last issue, you pretty much knew that Tonto wasn’t going to up and say to his family “OK, I’m going on some adventures,” but it doesn’t make it any easier to read. And therein lies the brilliance of Parks writing. I’ve know these characters for all of two issues, more like one and a half actually, and I was terribly sad when they met their fate. Parks does a fantastic job of making you care, one was or another, about every single character in this book. Another great issue written by Parks.
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