On my birthday back in November, I took in a screening of Bruce Campbell‘s new very-limited-run campy horror film My Name Is Bruce (see ‘My Name Is Bruce’ Screening Details’). Instead of opening wide, or even limited to NY and LA, Campbell and Dark Horse/Image decided to take the film on tour to various cities, with Campbell going along to each theater for a post-screening audience Q&A.
If you missed this movie when it came to your city, you’ll have to wait til February 10 for the release of the DVD
and Blu-ray
OR you can rent it for $5.99 and watch it right now only through Amazon’s Video On Demand
service. I’m not sure how long it will be available, so I suggest you rent this right away.
Fans of Campbell will undoubtedly love the film, which stars the famous b-movie actor as a more vulgar version of himself. While filming another one of his b-movies, Campbell takes what he thinks is another acting job in the small mining town of Gold Lick, but he’s really been recruited there for a more dangerous purpose. Believing that the actor actually has the extraordinary qualities of the action heroes he plays in his movies, the people of Gold Lick expect Campbell to take down Guan-di, the Chinese protector of the dead (and bean curd) who’s been killing off the townspeople.
I really liked the film and plan to grab the blu-ray version in February, but this is definitely worth renting right now: My Name Is Bruce Video On Demand Rental![]()
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