![The Goon Goon](https://i0.wp.com/www.geeksofdoom.com/GoD/img/2009/03/2009-03-15-the_goon1-150x150.jpg?resize=150%2C150&ssl=1)
For those who don’t know, the Dark Horse comic from Eric Powell, The Goon, is currently being developed into a feature length computer animated movie. Even better, visionary director David Fincher is acting as a producer on the film.
A couple of new images have been released for the project, and they give you a great look at the work being done. Fans of the comic and fans of movies alike can definitely get behind this.
The Goon follows your typical huge, muscular dude who handles things for a mob boss along with his scrappy little sidekick, Franky. In this world, however, things don’t just come down to dealing with a runner who’s late on his payments or a rival mob trying to slip in. In this world, many problems also include many paranormal beings and creatures, including a dangerous gang of zombies who are lead by a zombie priest.
Be sure to click over for the images. Also included, if you missed it, a sweet poster was unveiled last year at Comic Con. All of these can be enjoyed below courtesy of AICN.
Click once for bigger, click those for huge versions!
![The Goon Poster GoonPoster]()
I’m generally not a fan of CG movies, but this looks kind of cool. I’ve never read the Goon before, but that probably has nothing to do with anything…oh well.
Comment by elDuendeVerde — March 16, 2009 @ 8:15 pm