The BBC has announced that they will not be filming any more episodes of The Sarah Jane Adventures, but they will be broadcasting the final episodes that Elisabeth Sladen had filmed for Series 5 later in the year. Sladen passed away from cancer earlier this year, and is sadly missed by Doctor Who fans around the world.
While filming the fourth season in 2010 of The Sarah Jane Adventures, the cast and crew also filmed 6 episodes for Series 5. There was rumor for some time that the BBC might make a final episode to wrap the series in memory of Elisabeth Sladen, however, it has since been decided that no more filming will be done and only the completed episodes will be broadcast.
The BBC’s official announcement reads:
Contrary to press reports today we can confirm that no new episodes of The Sarah Jane Adventures will be filmed following the tragic death of actress Elisabeth Sladen in April, 2011. As a tribute to Elisabeth the six episodes that were recorded with her last year will be broadcast on CBBC at a date to be confirmed.
Elisabeth Sladen portrayed one of the most beloved companions in Doctor Who, Sarah Jane Smith. She acted alongside Jon Pertwee and Tom Baker, and later appeared with David Tennant in numerous episodes of the new Doctor Who series. The popularity of her character resulted in a spin-off series called The Sarah Jane Adventures, which was specifically aimed at children.
Elisabeth Sladen also worked with current Doctor, Matt Smith, in SJA episode Death of the Doctor, which also featured former companion Jo Grant, played by Katy Manning.
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