![The Originals Cast Season 1 The Originals Cast Season 1](https://i0.wp.com/www.geeksofdoom.com/GoD/img/2014/09/the-originals-cast-season-1.jpg?resize=530%2C298&ssl=1)
The Originals The Complete First Season
Blu-ray | DVD | Instant
Created by Julie Plec
Starring Joseph Morgan, Daniel Gillies, Claire Holt, Phoebe Tonkin, Charles Michael Davis, Daniella Pineda, Leah Pipes, and Danielle Campbell
The CW/ Warner Bros.
Release Date: September 2, 2014
The naughty, passionate, super fun, vicious, yet capable-of-great-love Mikaelsons, the “original” vampire clan, jumped into their own spin-off from The Vampire Diaries, with Klaus (Joseph Morgan) leading the charge. Licking his wounds after being rejected by Caroline (Candice Accola), Klaus returns to New Orleans, the city he and his siblings helped build, and reunites with his vampire “son” Marcel (Charles Michael Davis). Marcel is now king of New Orleans and Klaus wants it back. Klaus also has a new prince or princess on the way. His indiscretion with Hayley (Phoebe Tonkin) on TVD resulted in a little hybrid bump! Alliances between vampires, witches, wolves, and hybrids are formed, broken, and reformed, as the struggle for the city continues throughout the season.
The Originals is still finding its footing in its inaugural season, but it has enough rich backstory from The Vampire Diaries and the included featurettes, and enough charisma in Joseph Morgan’s pinky alone, to keep us interested. Apparently it kept the network interested too since it was renewed for a second season.
This Blu-ray/ DVD/ Digital HD comes with these “fang”tastic features:
Disc 1
-Pilot Commentary with Creator Julie Plec and Director Chris Grismer
-2013 SDCC Comic Con panel with Julie Plec, Joseph Morgan, Daniel Gillies, Claire Holt, Phoebe Tonkin, and Charles Michael Davis. That’s a lot of pretty!
-Deleted Scenes
Discs 2 and 3
-Deleted Scenes: One with Tyler (Michael Trevino)!
Disc 4
-The Originals: Origins- Exactly what the title means. How did the Originals originate?
-The Original Vampires: A Bite-sized Backstory- TVD highlights
-The Originals: Re-mixing History- New Orleans is in the mix!
-The Originals Panel at PaleyFest 2014
-Deleted Scenes
The extras are worth the price of the Blu-ray alone!
The Originals DVD press release synopsis:
This sexy and thrilling new series from The Vampire Diaries’ executive producer centers on the Original vampire family and the dangerous vampire/werewolf hybrid, Klaus (Joseph Morgan), who returns to the magical melting pot that is the French Quarter of New Orleans – a town he helped build centuries ago. Acting on a mysterious tip that a plot is brewing against him, Klaus’ questions lead him to his diabolical former protégé, Marcel (Charles Michael Davis), a charismatic vampire with total control over the human and supernatural inhabitants of the city.
There’s some season one spoilers in the trailers so beware! I can’t wait to see what happens with Hayley and the baby!
Season two of The Originals premieres Monday, October 6th at 8pm on The CW.
Box Art
![The Originals The Complete First Season Blu-ray Cover The Originals The Complete First Season Blu-ray Cover]()
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