![South Park, Season 19 Blu-ray review South Park, Season 19 Blu-ray review](https://i0.wp.com/www.geeksofdoom.com/GoD/img/2016/10/South-Park-season-19-review.png?resize=530%2C283&ssl=1)
South Park
Season 19
Blu-ray | DVD | Digital
Created by Trey Parker and Matt Stone
Studio: Comedy Central
Release Date: September 6, 2016
For nearly twenty years, South Park has forced the world to walk on eggshells. Famous for its non-PC, ultra-controversial take on pop culture and world events, the animated Comedy Central series from creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone lets no one get away from a weekly 30-minute roasting in cartoon form. Everyone and everything from Mel Gibson and Scientology, to racism, politics, and foreign affairs have been tackled and put to task. What was left for them to do? What new direction could they possibly take? For the first time in the show’s history, the 19th season was entirely serialized, all focusing on a new principal’s takeover of South Park Elementary and the town’s movement towards a wholly PC attitude.
In the season-long commentary available in the Bonus Features, the two creators discuss how TV has changed in the 18 years before. The move to serializing the episodes began in season 18, as they realized they were getting more and more tech heavy with episodes about Twitter, virtual reality, startup companies, etc. Funny enough, the show addresses how different things are now than they were in 1997 when the show debuted on Comedy Central. “This school is stuck in a time warp!” yells the new PC Principal in his introduction during the premiere. South Park is never better than when tackling obvious political, social, and economic hypocrisies. And the PC movement is front and center with Donald Trump currently running for President.
Cartman finally pledges to do the right thing and stop being a total jerk, despite taking a literal beating from PC Principal. Kyle, the most PC of the kids, is of course targeted because he dares to call Caitlyn Jenner “not a hero.” Episodes entitled “Stunning and Brave” (for Caitlyn Jenner), “You’re Not Yelping,” “Safe Space,” and “Truth and Advertising” are amongst the ten trip marking Kyle, Stan, and Eric as they battle the new world of PC South Park. There are fights against the police, Whole Foods, fat-shaming selfies, gentrification, immigration, guns, and internet advertising. And just when you thought the lunacy couldn’t get bigger, Mr. Garrison makes a bid for the White House with his running mate”¦ you guessed it, Caitlyn Jenner. My personal favorite moment of the season: the South Park Gun Show, which acts as the Westminster Dog Show where residents parade their guns around for judges. Even my mother was laughing hysterically, and she LOVES the Dog Show.
The Blu-ray and DVD sets feature nearly 6 minutes of hilarious deleted scenes, season-long commentary from creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone, as well as the E3 2016 game trailer for South Park: The Fractured But Whole, which spoofs the MCU and DCEU franchises. A Blu-ray only bonus is the episode-specific #SocialCommentary from Parker and Stone.
South Park Season 19 is available now on DVD, Blu-ray, and Digital, while Season 20 can be seen new each week on Comedy Central, Wednesday night at 10:00.
![South Park, Season 19 Blu-ray South Park, Season 19 Blu-ray]()
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