We’ve been hearing about a potential The Three Stooges movie for some years now, with nothing ever really playing out. It looks like that’s about to change as casting has begun to move forward on the Peter and Bobby Farrelly project.
While all three of the above names aren’t etched in stone as of yet, they are the target three. Sean Penn is a definite for the role of Larry (and probably the most fitting, look-wise), and Jim Carrey is currently in negotiations for the role of Curly. Word is that Carrey is already making plans to gain 40 pounds for the chubby character, so that makes his participation seem a lot more likely. Benicio Del Toro isn’t in negotiations yet, but he’s been singled out as the choice for Moe for a while now, so that’s a wait-and-see.
The Farrelly brothers also wrote the script, which will be distributed by MGM. The plan is to begin filming this fall, with a release set for some time in 2010.
The Three Stooges are one of those incredible rare gems that are still funny to this day; it doesn’t matter how old you are, or how old the Stooges get, it will always be comic brilliance. Because of this, I’m not sure it’s possible to pull off a movie, as tempting as the idea and the people getting involved makes it sound. It should be fun to see how it all ends up looking, though, that’s for damn sure.
[Source: Variety]
This is the worst idea ever. Can’t they leave anything untouched? No more original ideas in Hollywood? Let’s recycle everything.
I can’t wait to see Jim Carey play the same role he has played in countless movies over and over again.
Comment by Scott — March 27, 2009 @ 10:38 am
*Gack*…Sean Penn? I think I just threw up in my mouth.
Comment by Jonathan — March 27, 2009 @ 2:37 pm
Yea, this sounds absolutely horrible.
And it will probably make a bajillion dollars.
Comment by xGORDOx — March 30, 2009 @ 10:40 am
I’m totally looking forward to this. The cast sounds great – and the script should be good too based upon the other crazy antics the Farrelly Brothers have done.
I Can’t wait.
Comment by Joe — April 11, 2010 @ 10:29 pm