In one of the more unexpected movie sequel announcements, it looks like director David Cronenberg and Viggo Mortensen will be making a follow-up to 2007’s Eastern Promises.
The thinking here is that the ending of Eastern Promises left a whole lot more story to be told. Even though Cronenberg isn’t one to do sequels, another reason he wants to do this is because he very much enjoys working with Mortensen, saying that he “…consider him personal friend,” and that he is a “…very special guy.” This would mark the third project for the pair, which started with A History of Violence.
Here is what Cronenberg thinks of sequels in general, as well as why this one could work:
I’ve never had the desire to do that before. But in this case, I thought we had unfinished business with those characters. I didn’t feel that we had finished with Nikolai and we had done a lot of research that was more than we could stuff into that one movie.
The director also had this to say about how they were going to go about the project:
We are going to have a meeting very soon between me, Steve Knight (screenwriter) and Paul Webster (producer) to discuss what the script would be. I have some very strong ideas about what I would like to see, but I would like to hear what they have to say as well. And then after that, if all goes well, Steve goes away and writes a great script. If we all like it, we make it.
If the sequel does get going, there’s no word if other stars Naomi Watts and Vincent Cassel are interested in returning.
[Source: MTV Movies Blog]
I’d see a sequel to Eastern Promises. It was a really good movie and the brutal fight scene with a totally naked Viggo was quite the bonus.
Comment by Tracy Falbe — April 1, 2009 @ 11:42 pm