By LiLSyKo

Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
Genre: Action/Adventure
Rating: M for Mature
Publisher: Konami
Format: PlayStation2
I had always loved the Metal Gear series and I finally found Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater at a Gamecrazy nearby. Honestly this game was one of the most thrilling games I have ever played and I cherish this game for its greatness. The graphics were amazing, especially because this game was for PS2 so that made me happy from the start. The game play was quite good, but some things were a little aggravating, like how I would always have to check if the food I captured was good enough to eat or if it was going to poison me.
You go through the game as Jack, codenamed Snake, and after you get far enough in the game it isn’t just about saving the weapons expert and maker Sokolov. You are pretty much are guided through the game by Major Zero by Codec. Also if you need some help just press the select button and the Codec screen will show up. Then press down and you can contact Major Zero, Para-Medic, Signt, and The Boss. For those of you who don’t know who any of these characters are, you will learn about them in the game. I will tell who The Boss is though. The Boss is technically the greatest soldier in the world and taught everything she knew to Snake when he was just a young trainee. Then she disappeared for five years until this event happening in the game.
In the beginning you are going to this abandoned warehouse in the jungle to reach Sokolov who is being held captive by the KGB. Although it turns out that when you reach Sokolov he tells Snake what is going on and that the KGB soldiers were meant to keep Sokolov protected from the Gru colonel Volgin Who which so happens to be the main villain. But after your talk with Sokolov a bunch of soldiers for the KGB and then a soldier from the Ocelot unit (remind you of anybody?) appears and just takes a single pistol and kills all the KGB soldiers. Oh yeah, by the way, it was the Ocelot commander. Then more Ocelot soldiers show up around you and Sokolov. But the Ocelot commander makes one slight mistake and snakes just whips his CQC (close quarters combat devolved by him and The Boss) and puts everybody unconscious on the ground. Sokolov is so overcome with fear that he just runs like crazy. Snake eventually catches up with Sokolov. That’s all I will say about the story; too much information might make the fun of playing the game boring because you will know what will happen.
In the game you have to face the harsh elements of the jungle most of the time and sometimes it is a real pain. You have to catch your own food for stamina and if you don’t have much stamina, you won’t aim too well either. Also every minute I have to check if I have a cut, a sprain, a broken bone, a snake bite, a bullet wound, or a leech on my leg. If there are any types of the things I have just listed that Snake has, I have to fix it in CURE in the START menu. Oh well, the game is still great and overall beautiful.
I was totally excited when I got this game and I was right to had been so about it because this game has BLOWN MY MIND and I will definitely come back to it later after I am finished with God of War 2.
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