| PlayStation Plus Free Games Lineup For November 2019
One of the very best decisions that console makers Microsoft and Sony have made, is to offer free games to those who are members of their Xbox Live Gold and PlayStation Plus programs each month. Hundreds of dollars worth of games for free each year. It makes the pill that is having to pay to play (online) much, much easier to swallow. The free games being offered to PlayStation Plus members for November 2019 have been revealed, and you can see what they are below.
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| ‘The Last Of Us Part II’ Release Date Pushed Back
One month ago a new trailer for The Last of Us Part II was released, and with it came the announcement of a February 21, 2020 release date. But as it turns out, they jumped the gun a little on that release date. It’s now been decided that developer Naughty Dog needs a little bit more time to polish the game, and have pushed back its release a few months. You can read the full announcement below.
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| The Drill Down 596: Seeing Red
On this week’s The Drill Down podcast, technology meddles in global politics, new platforms for Apple and Instagram, Facebook‘s cash loses support, the Playstation 5 …and much, much more.
...continue reading » Topics: Apps, Computers, Electronics, Features, Gadgets, Podcasts, Science, Software, Technology, The Drill Down, Video Games |
Tags: Activision Blizzard, Apple, Aviation, Blizzard, Catalina, china, Cryptocurrency, electric planes, Encryption, esports, Facebook, gaming, Hackers, Hacking, Instagram, iPhone, iPhone 11, Libra, MacOS, Microsoft, Playstation, PlayStation 5, Sony, Threads | |
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| Sony Confirms 2020 Release For PlayStation 5
Another generation of video game consoles approaches, whether we’re ready for them or not. At E3 2019 Microsoft offered a peek at their next console, code named Project Scarlett, and revealed that it would arrive in time for the 2020 holiday season. Of course Sony also has a new console on the way, and now they’ve confirmed that the PlayStation 5 will also be arriving in 2020. The announcement was made by Sony Interactive Entertainment president and CEO Jim Ryan, and you can read what he had to say below.
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| PlayStation Plus Free Games Lineup For October 2019
One of the very best decisions that console makers Microsoft and Sony have made, is to offer free games to those who are members of their Xbox Live Gold and PlayStation Plus programs each month. Hundreds of dollars worth of games for free each year. It makes the pill that is having to pay to play (online) much, much easier to swallow. The free games being offered to PlayStation Plus members for October 2019 have been revealed, and you can see what they are below.
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