The Gold Box spotlight deal of the day over at Amazon today is Angel: Seasons 1-5 Collectors Set
DVD box set for only $56.99 (that’s 59% the list price of $139.98).
Let’s do the math, shall we? The sale price of $56.99 would be like paying $11.40 for each of the five individual seasons of Angel on DVD. That’s an amazing bargain!
This 30-disc DVD box set includes all five seasons of the Buffy The Vampire Slayer spin-off starring David Boreanaz (Bones)) and comes with a companion booklet, a letter to fans from series creator Joss Whedon, and plenty of bonus features.
Note, this sale is today for one day only and is valid while supplies last.
Need more ammunition to rationalize the purchase. It’s 52 cents per episode. (And they throw in the special features for free!)
Comment by Captain Karl — April 30, 2009 @ 10:08 am