This video has been going around this week, and if you’ve yet to see it you simply must do so right this very moment.
The filmography comes from a video editor named Gen I, who masterfully fuses together 270 various films from the year 2010 into a 6-minute celebration of the art.
The clips from these many movies come at you in quickfire fashion, but they all feel like they belong together. Accompanied by well-chosen songs, the video plays brilliantly and might just be better than many of the movies that it features. And speaking of the bad movies — though you may have zero interest in seeing them, the clips used here still find a way to feel oh-so-right.
These are the things that remind us why we love movies so very much; if it doesn’t serve you this reminder, you may very well not have a soul. This video will inspire you to do great things, and leave you with a grand smile on your face to boot.
Click on over to the other side right away to see the video immediately, and plan to watch it multiple times.
[Source: /Film]
this is pretty great.
Though there are some movies included that didn’t come out in 2010…namely, Garden of Eden came out in 2008.
Comment by c — December 15, 2010 @ 5:24 pm
Why was Gandalf in there?
Comment by dmb — December 15, 2010 @ 8:15 pm