Each and every week “Mr. Pull Quote” Henchman21 and “The guy that got killed in Batgirl #23“ MK2FAC3 read a lot of comics. Seriously you guys, a lot of comics. Maybe too many comics. I mean, it is possible. They look forward to some more than others, I mean, who doesn’t? So, let’s take a look into the depths of their pull lists, grab some comics, and we’ll let YOU know what the top books to look forward to are for the week of August 3, 2011. Single issues and trades, they’re all here.
On this week’s The GoD List, “THE HENCH” and “THE FAC3” must fight the evil forces of “THE DEBT CEILING” by putting aside their differences and teaming up to put a shot in the arm of the nearly defeated “ECONOMY”! But they need your help, citizens! All you need to do is join them as they travel to their local comic book stores to purchase the likes of the exciting new books listed here below!
The Punisher #1 (Marvel Comics – $3.99): Frank Castle is not a guy that I’ve ever really understood. He’s a character whose main motivation is the vengeance for his family’s death, but he accomplished that goal pretty early on. In fact, I’m pretty sure that I’ve never purchased a single issue of The Punisher that didn’t have the words “Max” or “Noir” in the title somewhere. But on this Wednesday, all of that changes with one name: Greg Rucka. I’ve been a fan of Rucka’s for quite some time. His work DC Comics has been nothing short of fantastic, so when he left the company after his much celebrated (not just by me) run on Detective Comics featuring Batwoman and The Question, it was truly heartbreaking for me. During his time away from mainstream comics, he made some excellent entries in the indie world, specifically with Stumptown. Greg Rucka is one of THE names that appear at the top of pretty much everyone’s list of crime/detective writers. However, The Punisher #1 marks his return to ongoing work with superheroes (anti-heroes?), and I will follow him anywhere. Even to the tales of the post Frankenstein’ed Frank Castle. I’m with you, Mr. Rucka, and I’m sure you’ll make me love The Punisher.
Secret Six #36 (DC Comics – $2.99): This is it. This is the final issue of one of my favorite ongoing comics. This series has meant so much to me, as well as many other people. It’s one of the few places in mainstream comics where voices are heard, expressed, and acted upon. Gail Simone has created a home for any reader that has ever felt crazy, unwelcome, under-appreciated, or just plain weird. It’s given all of us a place to connect with other readers in a truly twisted world. It’s about friendship in the face of chaos. It’s about progression. It’s about that fine line between being bad or being good. It’s about being yourself. It’s a comic about the worst of the worst that are trying to do their best. It’s about a group of people that have a damaged view of the world while trying to see the best. And most importantly, it’s a damn good comic.
Severed #1 (Image Comics – $2.99): Scott Snyder. Scott Snyder. Scott Snyder. Can you tell why I picked this book? He’s on a roll, right!? His work on Detective Comics and American Vampire have proved that this author has what it takes to tell a truly disturbing and twisted tale, so what’s it like when he writes a straight up horror comic? Well, you’re answer can be found within the pages of Severed #1 from Image Comics. I have no reason to doubt Snyder at this point, and he’s convinced me to start at the ground floor with this #1 issue. Seriously, if you miss this issue, you’re going to regret it. Although, I’m sure it will get reprinted a million times, and it will eventually be optioned for a movie or TV show. I mean, it’s a new Image series from Scott Snyder. How could that not happen?
There are some great collections coming out this week to your local comic shop including Jack Kirby’s Green Arrow Omnibus, a great Archie Collection, G.I. Joe Vol. 5 (YOU MY BOY, HENCH!), and plenty of others. But one book stands head and shoulders above the rest to top the bookshelves in comic book stores all across America. And that book? Well that book is none other than:
Superman: Grounded Vol. 1 HC (DC Comics – $22.99): Nah, I’m totally kidding.
Rachel Rising #1 (Abstract Studios – $3.50): I’ve only read a little of Strangers in Paradise, and I read Echo in trade, so this will actually be the first series by writer/artist Terry Moore that I will be reading in single issues. I have enjoyed everything I’ve read by Moore so I’m expecting this one to be pretty good as well. Rachel Rising came about from an idea Moore had while writing Birds of Prey, and deals with a girl who cannot die. According to Moore, it’s not really a zombie story, but is something completely unique. It still features Moore’s trademark ensemble casts and strong female characters along with his amazing black and white art. I have very high hopes for this series and I have no doubt those hopes will be fulfilled.
Ultimate Comics Fallout #4 (Marvel Comics – $3.99): You’ve probably already heard the news but this issue features the debut of the new Ultimate Spider-Man, a teenager called Miles Morales. Will he be able to fill the role left by the death of Peter Parker? More importantly, will writer Brian Michael Bendis be able to create a new character that connects with readers as well as Peter Parker has? Because that’s going to be the big question that readers will ultimately decide. Only time will tell if this new character is as much of a success, but I think Bendis has earned the benefit of the doubt and readers should check out this issue to see if this is the start of something great, or at the very least an interesting new chapter in a character whose history spans almost 50 years.
The Infinite #1 (Image Comics – $2.99): I know, I’m as surprised as you are. A comic book drawn by Rob Liefeld. I’m not entirely sure why I ordered this either, as I’ve never been that big of a fan, but you know what, screw it. I am a child of the 90’s comic scene and I will never be immune to the singular charms of Liefeld. It’s easy to pick on him, but there are more than a few readers who are fans of his work. Art aside, The Infinite is at least still written by Robert Kirkman, so I’m hopeful that the story will hold together. The series deals with a freedom fighter named Bowen who travels in time to stop a war that has taken everything from him. So, the story sounds interesting and I am going to indulge myself in remembering my 90’s reading hey-day. I’m sure this isn’t for everyone, but don’t let the name scare you.
Bad Island (Scholastic Graphix – $10.99): Writer/Artist Doug TenNapel returns with his next graphic novel, this time telling the story of a young boy named Reese who goes on a fishing trip wth his family and gets lost on an island teeming with strange plants and animals. TenNapel’s books always have a unique since of whimsy to them and are great reads for younger readers as well as us longtime fans. You may be familiar with TenNapel from the Earthworm Jim video games, but having read all of his comics work, the printed page is his true medium. TenNapels thick, heavy lines and ink heavy pages are unlike anyone else’s work and I am constantly blown away by the imagination in his stories. If you have a young reader in your life, give this or any of his other works (except for Black Cherry, which is a bit too adult for the kids) to them and see their faces light up.
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