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Book Review: Ready Player One
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Ready Player OneReady Player One
By Ernest Cline
Hardcover | Kindle
Release Date: August 16, 2011

In a not so distant future, the world is in shambles. Instead of the dealing with the truth of reality, the people of this bleak world create an escape by using OASIS, a virtual reality world where you can create your perfect reality and do everyday things like going to school or meeting new people. When James Halliday, the creator of OASIS and the richest man to ever have lived, dies, it initiates a contest that Halliday leaves behind in his will. There are three keys that for whoever finds all three will win Halliday’s entire fortune. The contest won’t be easy to win, but protagonist Wade Watts is determined to be the victor.

Ready Player One was one of the most innovative and entertaining books that I’ve read in a very long time. The book is truly a love letter to the era of the 1980s. With references to 80’s video games, movies, and television, the book is like a geek bible to those who grew up in the 80’s or is just a fan of that time period. The author, Ernest Cline (screenwriter of 2009’s Fanboys), has a vast knowledge of the 1980s and it definitely shows. Cline also makes very likeable characters in the novel. Wade and his group of friends were very relatable in the book. You understand their poverty stricken world and their need to constantly escape into OASIS to make a new world for them.

The thrilling part of this tale is the journey that Wade and his friends take to win the contest. From playing classic arcade games to actually simulating an entire film, Ready Player One is one thrilling book to read. Even the villain of the story, a corrupt corporation, IOI, who wants to win the OASIS and turn into a profitable business for them, makes the novel all that much more intense.

Overall, I would highly recommend Ready Player One to everyone and especially those readers who frequent this website. The book is a geek goldmine and you definitely will be in for a fantastic treat.

1 Comment »

  1. Sounds pretty cool. I will be picking it up. Thanks for the review.

    Comment by tstar69 — September 13, 2011 @ 7:23 am

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