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On The 162nd Anniversary Of Edgar Allan Poe’s Death, ‘The Raven’ Gets An Official Trailer
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The Raven

On this day 162 years ago, famed author and poet Edgar Allan Poe died.

In celebration of his life and his works, as well as the upcoming new Poe movie starring John Cusack in the lead, titled The Raven, an event was held in Baltimore, Maryland including director James McTeigue (V for Vendetta, Ninja Assassin) and co-star Luke Evans (Immortals, Robin Hood) meeting with press and members of the Poe House and Museum.

Also in conjunction with the anniversary and event, the official trailer for The Raven has been officially released online after debuting last night on G4’s Attack of the Show.

You can check out the trailer as well as some unusual facts about Poe by continuing on over to the other side now.

* Poe wrote a fabricated news story of a balloon trip across the ocean to garner attention and publicity in New York City.

* Poe was a champion for higher wages for writers and international copyright law, as his writings were continuously published without him getting credit or compensation.

* Prior to becoming Poe’s wife at the age of 13, his female cousin Virginia acted as a courier, delivering letters to Poe’s lady loves.

* From 1949 to 2009, a mysterious figure has left a half-empty bottle of cognac and 3 roses on Poe’s grave every day on his birthday.

*Poe formulated rules for the short story, including that it should relate a complete action and take place within one day in one place.

* Poe was deeply interested by cryptography, the creation and translation of secret codes, and was very proud of his ability to translate them. He would chAllange readers of various publications where he worked to send him codes to decipher and, by all accounts, he seemed able to unlock the secrets to any he received.

* Poe’s lifelong dream of owning and operating his own publication never came to fruition.

* Poe met with Charles Dickens while Dickens was in the US on a lecture tour, and solicited his help with getting published in England””nothing ever came of it.

* Poe’s grandfather was an important figure in the American Revolution, contributing a large sum of his own money to outfit local branches of the Continental Army. His wife, Poe’s grandmother, personally sewed over 500 soldiers’ uniforms for Lafayette’s troops as they passed through Baltimore.

* Poe joined the Army in 1827, lying to recruiters about his age and name. He also published his first collection of poetry during this time. He achieved the rank of Sergeant Major.

* Poe experienced periods of extreme destitution, often having to burn his furniture to keep warm during the winter.

* Poe successfully sought expulsion from West Point. That being said, he was one of the top students in his class.

* Wrote poetic tributes to all the pivotal women in his life.

* Poe had two biological siblings, but all were raised in separate foster homes.

* Poe’s childhood hero was Lord Byron.

* The Poe House and Museum in Baltimore is in jeopardy of being closed in mid-2012 due to Baltimore City budget cuts. The city eliminated the Museum’s funding in 2010.

* Edgar Allan Poe was buried in Westminster Burying Ground and had no headstone for years after his death. In 1860, Poe’s relatives commissioned a small headstone that erroneously listed Poe’s birth date as January 20 instead of January 19 and was destroyed in a train accident before it made it to the gravesite.

* In 1875 Poe’s remains were dug up and moved to a memorial site to be near his family and a gravestone was placed in the wrong spot and was moved around several times. This lead people to wonder not only where Poe’s original burial spot was but also if the man who was moved to the spot by the memorial is even Edgar Allan Poe.


[Source: Apple]


  1. There is a problem with the vid… whoever uploaded to Youtube decided to remove it. Hopefully another copy is out there.

    Comment by Loup Dargent — October 8, 2011 @ 1:18 pm

  2. Congrats for the 162nd Anniversary Of Edgar Allan Poe’s Death!! The Raven is an amazing official trailer. I’m totally impressed to read the grand post. Thanks  a lot! :)

    Comment by events nottingham — October 13, 2011 @ 5:38 am

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