Here’s a real treat for all of you Doctor Who fans!
The BBC America Shop has a bunch of great holiday gifts for sale, including BBC movies and TV series on DVD and Blu-ray; books; t-shirts; and unique British collectibles.
We here at Geeks of Doom have a really great prize pack filled with BBC America items from the Shop, like DVDs and cool Doctor Who items like a Doctor Who Talking Pen (love it!), to give away to one lucky winner!
One (1) winner will receive:
- One (1) Doctor Who Season 6 Parts 1 & 2 DVD
- One (1) The Hour DVD
- One (1) BBC Holiday Gift Set DVD
- One (1) Doctor Who Tardis Mini Set DVD
- One (1) Doctor Who Suit Shirt
- One (1) Doctor Who Talking Pen
- One (1) Guinness Baseball Cap
TO ENTER: There’s just two simple steps:
(1) Make sure you’re subscribed to the Geeks of Doom email digest. If you’re not then click here and sign up. (If you’re already a subscriber, then go right to the next step.)
(2) Fill out the entry form here below and submit. (Form is here after the jump.)
Good luck!
RULES: One entry per person. All entries must be in by Sunday, December 18, 2011 at 9pm EST. This contest is only open to email subscribers. All entries are validated against email subscriber list. Entries by non-email subscribers will be disqualified. The personal information you supply in the contest entry will not be shared with any outside parties, though in some cases, if an outside party is handling prize fulfillment, the mailing information for only the prize winners will be shared with that party. Contest is only open to residents of the United States. No international entries will be accepted. Winners will be chosen randomly from valid entries and will be notified by email. Void where prohibited.
Visit the BBC America Shop at http://bit.ly/BBC_Gifts.
This holiday season, BBC American is holding its annual Holiday Sweepstakes where you can enter to WIN $1,000 (two $500 Gift Cards, one for you and one for a friend) redeemable toward purchases at BBCAmericaShop.com. Visit https://bitly.com/BBC_Sweeps to enter the sweepstakes and for a list of prizing. Sweepstakes ends December 18, 2011 @ 11:59 pm (EST)
Great Gifts with a British Accent!
Find something for everyone at the BBC America Shop: Doctor Who and Sherlock on DVD for him; British Holiday Collectibles including Ornaments for her; and animated favorites such as Charlie & Lola and Spot on DVD for the kids.
Why the Guinness hat?Â
Comment by Nmccreight — December 11, 2011 @ 3:16 pm