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‘Star Wars’ Live-Action TV Show Gets A Title
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A crime TV series set in the Star Wars Universe? Count me in.

That’s right, according to an interview with IGN, producer Rick McCallum revealed that the long-gestating Star Wars live action TV series now has a working title, and is known as Star Wars: Underworld.

McCallum said that the show will look at “the criminals and the gangs.  The guys who are running Wall Street, basically. The guys who are running the United States.”

The show has been in the works for a while now, and while it doesn’t appear to be moving forward any faster, the fact that we are getting something at all is really nice.  I’m of the mind that this universe is so luscious, that it can be mined for just about anything, so here’s to hoping that this type of political-focused piece can not only keep the budget down, but will allow us to see something at all.

[Source: IGN]


  1. Just let it die already. Beating a dead horse seems to be the flavor of the day. It’s time to put star wars to rest.

    Comment by Anonymous — January 12, 2012 @ 8:37 am

  2. If this is going to be a political-focused scifi drama meaning cheap. Why even do it.
    I guess they want a cheap Battlestar Galactica with a small effects budget ala Caprica which failed because they took it out of Outer Space and took too long to bring in Cylons. I liked Caprica, but it was not getting the ratings.
    This will probably have a better budget than Caprica, and will be a drama in Outer Space and other planets.

    Comment by EdwardYoungJr — January 12, 2012 @ 12:33 pm

  3. Once again proving that the current caretakers of Star Wars haven’t got a friggin’ clue what Star Wars fans want. Here’s a thought, George… we don’t want Law & Order, The West Wing or CSI in space. We want lightsabers. Jedi, Sith. Han Solo, if possible. Moon-sized space stations blowing up. X-Wings with S-foils in attack position.

    If I want the full-on political stories, I’ll read the Expanded Universe stuff (and I do, vigorously), but when it comes to the movies and TV, I want Star Wars the way it captured the hearts of a generation from 1977 to 1983.

    Comment by Daniel M. Clark — January 13, 2012 @ 1:39 am

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