Tony Scott, director of such features as Top Gun, True Romance, and Days of Thunder, jumped to his death off of the Vincent Thomas Bridge in San Pedro, Los Angeles, CA, according to The Wrap. He was 68. [See updates below.]
A suicide note was found in Scott’s car, which was parked on one of the eastbound lanes of the bridge. Reports state that Scott climbed a fence on the south side of the bridge’s apex and leapt off around 12:30pm. The director jumped “without hesitation,” according to The Breeze.
The British-born Scott, who’s full name is Anthony David Scott, is the younger brother of fellow director Ridley Scott (Alien, Prometheus). The brothers were producering partners in their company Scott Free Productions. Known for his action flicks, Scott last directed Denzel Washington in both 2010’s Unstoppable and the 2009 remake of The Taking of Pelham 1 2 3. He also helmed Beverly Hills Cop II, Man on Fire, and Enemy of the State, and was producer on his brother’s recent long-awaited return to the Alien universe, Prometheus. IMDb has him listed as director on Top Gun II, as well as on a film called Emma’s War with no release date.
The Vincent Thomas Bridge is a suspension bridge across the Los Angeles Harbor in California and is 185 feet high at its highest point. The bridge links San Pedro, Los Angeles, with Terminal Island. According to Wikipedia, in 1990, 1964 Olympic diving bronze medalist Larry Andreasen was killed after jumping from the bridge in an attempt to set a diving record. Reports earlier today did not identify the jumper as Tony Scott. At around 4:30pm, authorities recovered Scott’s body from murky waters using sonar equipment and turned the body over to the county coroner.
Scott is survived by his wife of nearly 18 years, Donna Scott, and their two children.
RIP – Tony Scott
June 21, 1944 – August 19, 2012
[Update: 8/20/2012 @ 12:30pm EST] According to ABC News, a source close to Tony Scott told them that the filmmaker has inoperable brain cancer. A spokesman told the AP that the Coroner’s Office found several notes to loved ones in Scott’s car, and that a suicide note was later found at his office.
[Update: 8/21/2012 @ 10pm EST] THR reports that the news of Scott having inoperable brain cancer might not be correct. According to the trade, Scott’s family did not know of any cancer diagnosis. The claim is still being investigated.
[Source: The Wrap | The Breeze]
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