![Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Image]()
A little over a year ago, Michael Bay set the internet ablaze with a quote that seemed to indicate that in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot he’s producing, the turtles would have alien origins instead of mutating as we’re all familiar with.
It wasn’t clear if Bay was being serious with the quote or if he was talking about (as director Jonathan Liebesman later reminded everyone) the alien origins of the ooze that mutates the turtles itself (or if he knew what he was talking about at all), but word of fan outrage reaching him led Bay to tell everyone to “chill.”
But as the reboot gets closer to production, Bay has decided to clear things up a bit. Continue reading to see what Bay had to say.
In an interview with Moviefone to discuss his latest movie, Pain & Gain, Bay went out of his way to touch on the whole alien origins mess, saying:
“There was that quote saying that we’re making [the Ninja Turtles as] aliens. We’re not. It’s the ooze! It’s from the original source material. These are from the original writers, and I never went out to correct myself in the press. I do listen to the fans and I do want this to be authentic. I think they’re going to be really happy with this movie. When I see the digital stuff, the turtles look great.“
When he says “digital stuff,” for those who are unaware, he’s talking about the performance capture technology being used for the reboot, which will be along the same lines as the technology used to make Avatar instead of doing the full live-action TMNT movie we’ve seen done in the past.
Do you have a little more hope for the new Ninja Turtles movie now Bay has said that the turtles are being rebooted more faithfully to the source material?
[Source: /Film]
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