The penultimate episode of Doctor Who Series 7, written by Neil Gaiman, finds the Doctor (Matt Smith) providing an unexpected trip for Clara’s (Jenna-Louise Coleman) children that she cares for in her nanny job. The group ends up on Hedgewick’s World Of Wonders, an abandoned intergalactic theme park that has found itself in some considerable ruin.
But the planetary amusement park is not empty – Webley (Jason Watkins) and Porridge (Warwick Davis) still remain as previous owners/workers; and a detachment of troops from the Great and Bountiful Human Empire strategically stay on planet. Behind the scenes though, a sinister menace has been waiting in dormancy, preparing for its rise to domination. The arrival of the Doctor has caused the awakening of this Nightmare In Silver, and the Cybermen are more menacing than ever…
During TARDISblend 65, we discuss what is arguably one of the best episodes of Series 7, and perhaps the best Cybermen story since the Classic series. We also dig into secrets associated with next week’s Series Finale, entitled The Name Of The Doctor, and briefly touch on some of the rumors surrounding the 50th Anniversary Special.
All this and more on the latest TARDISblend!
Presented by Greg Davies (cGt2099 from The BLENDOVER Podcast) and geek journalist Tom Cheredar of VentureBeat, TARDISblend is a podcast that takes a look at the ongoing adventures in the Doctor Who Universe – as Matt Smith makes his journey as the Eleventh Doctor!
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Students of the Unusual™ comic cover used with permission of 3BoysProductions
The Mercuri Bros.™ comic cover used with permission of Prodigal Son Press
It’s not a podcast unless you can download it.
Comment by Jared Ruman — May 14, 2013 @ 4:44 pm
You can. It is available via iTunes and libsyn.
Comment by cGt2099 — May 18, 2013 @ 4:03 am