Alexander Skarsgard Goes Full-Frontal On ‘True Blood’ Season 6 Finale
By Empress Eve
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Monday, August 19th, 2013 at 4:20 am
It’s nothing new for Alexander Skarsgard to be full-on naked during some of his scenes as Eric Northman on True Blood. Nudity is a common thing on the set of the HBO series and the actor reportedly has no problem going unclothed and doesn’t even use any of the common tricks to cover himself up during filming (e.g., a sock), though the scenes are shot in a way where the audience only gets the standard butt shots. But, since the 1,000-year-old Viking vampire does enjoy a lot of sex, fans of the Swedish actor do get to see a lot of skin from Skarsgard, though the twig and berries remain unseen. That is, until tonight.
During Sunday’s season 6 finale, titled “Radioactive,” the vampire went full-frontal and it wasn’t even during a sex scene!
Northman’s appearance midway through the episode was surprise enough, but then when the full reveal happened it was like that “Here’s your penis!” moment from Friends when Monica turns around to see Joey fully naked.
Continue reading for screen caps and spoilers for the season 6 finale of True Blood.
So, it was like this: Midway through the finale we see finally see Eric Northman, who took off after the previous episode without a leaving forwarding address, sunbathing on a snowy mountain in his native Sweden. If you recall, he was able to walk in the sun after drinking Warlow’s faerie-vampire blood. Now, he’s laying naked on a lounge chair basking in the sun reading a book strategically placed to hide his man bits. All of a sudden, he feels something on his skin; he looks and sees that he’s starting to burn! Shocked, he drops his book and begins to stand up – bam! that’s when we get a good look at his manhood. Unfortunately, his back and shoulder are now on fire, which really kills the mood here. As he stands up, he becomes engulfed in flames and screams “No” up to the sky as he seemingly meets the true death, just as his maker Godric did a few years prior.
Here’s a screen cap of Eric nude and in flames – click the thumbnail for the larger, full view and as I said, he’s nude, so there’s NUDITY – you’ve been warned (and you’re welcome).
I’m guessing this bonus piece of full-frontal was to make up for having us see Dr. Overlark’s detached bloodied penis in the previous episode after Eric ripped it off the vamp-torturing scientist. But did the writers have to make Eric go up in flames during this full-frontal treat? Total bummer.
But, again, is Eric really dead? The remainder of the episode takes place six months later and there’s no mention of Eric or of his progeny Pam, who took off earlier in the finale to look for her maker, who was grieving from the loss of his sister (who died painfully after that prick Overlark injected her with the Hep V virus!). But, Bill, Jessica, Tara, and other vampires are still around and there’s some kind of necessary human-vampire protection alliance that’s formed after the spread of the vamp disease.
Here’s the thing: Once I saw Eric go up in flames, penis out and all, I stopped caring about the rest of the finale. Whatever happened six months later, I didn’t give a shit about. Sookie’s with Alcide, Bill’s an author, Jessica is still guilt-ridden for draining 3/4 of Sheriff Andy’s half-fae daughters, Sam is Mayor, Tara’s mom is still fucknuts. I know shit got real at the very end, but I’m still so fixated on Eric that I couldn’t even tell you what happened. Guess I’ll have to rewatch the second half of the finale.
Will Pam find Eric out there in the middle of nowhere in time to save him? He’s seeminly burned to a crisp at this point, but perhaps Pam still has enough special fae blood in her to save her master. Let’s hope! We’ll have to wait to find out Eric’s fate, as well as that of the other residents of Bon Temps, when True Blood returns with Season 7.
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