Mirror’s Edge is a popular first-person freerunning game from developer DICE. A long awaited sequel was teased at E3 this summer. The game is a parkour practitioner’s dream, as it involves running freely on city rooftops high above. A location freerunners can’t usually experience because, for one, it’s crazy dangerous and one slip means your death, and two, because real life buildings aren’t designed like a video game so you can transition from one to the next smoothly.
One runner, however, wanted to prove that it’s not impossible to experience Mirror’s Edge in real life, and they even attached a camera to their head to re-create the look of the game (seen above). You can see the insane results below.
It’s nowhere near as high, of course, but still high enough where a mistake could lead to severe, long-lasting damage if not death. Incredibly dangerous.
How far would you have gotten? I counted about 3 1/2 steps before my clumsy ass would’ve tumbled off the side of a building and into eternal slumber.
[Source: Game Informer]
Sorry don’t buy it. Not saying it can’t be done just something very fishy about this video. There seems to be a lack of muscle strain in certain areas and at times his arms almost seem to long.
Comment by Joeybombstyle — September 10, 2013 @ 12:49 pm