Want to keep up with the latest installment of the Naruto or Bleach manga, but can’t find it at your local comic shop? Well, my friends, Viz Media has come to the rescue by putting their huge catalog of over 1,700 titles online in Google Play.
The San Francisco-based media company is offering users a fully web-and-Android capable cloud-based online manga and anime store for the otaku in you.
With more and more titles being introduced every Tuesday, and a free preview for every title so you can make up your mind before you buy, you just can’t go wrong with this service. All titles available start at $6.99 per volume. And if that’s not good enough, Viz Media has synchronized its digital publishing schedule for all of its future titles to have a simultaneous domestic release of their print versions. This closes the gap between their print and digital manga formats.
Check it out today by going to here. And to get more information on Viz Media manga, visit them at VIZ.com.
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