Back in December, we saw a trailer for Battle of the Damned, an upcoming action flick with The Expendables, Universal Soldier, and Rocky IV star Dolph Lundgren. The movie comes from Anchor Bay, and follows a man named Gatling (Lundgren) who’s tasked with entering a quarantined city that’s been devastated by a virus that’s turned its residents into zombies and rescue a girl who’s stuck inside…all with the help of a killer robot army. Cool.
The movie is being released on Blu-ray and DVD on February 18, 2014, and you can read a full synopsis and check out the exclusive clip, titled “Serious Nerdgasm,” here below now!
When a deadly virus is accidentally released into a major city, its population is quarantined by a military blockade. And for a wealthy industrialist desperate to rescue his daughter from inside the rabid chaos, his only hope is former commando Max Gatling (Dolph Lundgren The Expendables, Ambushed). Now Gatling has one day to bust in, blast through hordes of the undead, find the girl, and hunt for a way to get them both out alive. But will a small band of survivors and an army of killer robots turn his mission into maximum slaughter? Matt Doran (The Matrix) and David Field (Chopper) co-star in this intense action shocker that calls “awesome badass…one of the craziest movies of Dolph’s career and arguably one of his best!”
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