There’s not much I can say at this point about a comic book series I am immediately looking forward to, but what I can say is that BOOM! Studios has sent out a teaser image today for what looks to be a comic book based on the 1986 John Carpenter film Big Trouble in Little China.
The teaser image shows what looks like Kurt Russell’s character Jack Burton from the neck down, wearing his signature white Fu Manchu tank top, wielding a knife and a semi-automatic handgun. The tagline “Everybody relax! I’m here,” a popular quote from the movie, appears across the image.
Check out the teaser image here below drawn by Eric Powell (The Goon).
So far, there’s no information yet on who is working on this apparent Big Trouble in Little China series yet, how long its run will be, when it will be released, or if it will be an adaptation of the movie or a prequel/sequel. We’ll let you know once more details are released, but for now, just look below and bask in the glory of what could be the coolest comic book of all time.

Comment by Bryan — February 26, 2014 @ 5:42 pm
cant wait ….hope its the sequel. wanted a sequel of big trouble but sadly it never happened. but this may be just as cool. been a long time comin for ole jack. U pay your dues Jack……? hell yea. checks in the mail. PORKCHOP EXPRESS LIVES!
Comment by Thomas Guiry — March 13, 2014 @ 1:04 am