‘Game Of Thrones’ Season 4 Inside Episode 6 (Videos)
By Empress Eve
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Monday, May 12th, 2014 at 10:00 am
Last night’s episode of Game Of Thrones — Episode #6, “The Laws of Gods and Men” — was the second milder episode of the season in a row. No Jon Snow, no Arya and the House, no Sansa and Littlefinger, but we did see the return of emasculated Theon Greyjoy, whose sister is on her way to rescue him; Stannis at the bank asking for a loan; Dany experiencing the more tedious side of ruling; and finally, Tyrion Lannister’s farce of a trial begins.
HBO has released several behind-the-scenes videos, including a near 8-minute “inside look” at Episode 6, a featurette that goes into detail on Stannis’ loan request; Yara’s rescue attempt of her brother Theon, who has been tortured; Jaime Lannister’s sacrifice for his brother Tyrion; and of course, Tyrion’s trial.
Watch the featurette here below, along with another featurette about Shae’s testimony at Tyrion’s trial, as well as a video interview with creator George R.R. Martin called “A Pool of Funds” where he talks about the origins of the all-important Iron Bank of Braavos.
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Comment by Sophia Low — May 25, 2014 @ 4:27 pm