With the rise and fall of Flappy Bird, it reminded me of the rage that can come from playing certain video games. I am not even an angry person, but something about these games just unleash the beast.
So here are my Top 5 Most Rage-Inducing Games.
5. Mario Kart
There are only two words needed to describe why Mario Kart causes gamer rage”¦BLUE SHELL. If it wasn’t for that the game would just be this nice easy fun game. But the infamous blue shell is just ridiculous at times. There is nothing like being in front for the WHOLE race and then getting hit with a blue shell at the end and watching a bunch of people pass you. It is almost better to be in the middle of the pack or in the back, you get better stuff and you can catch up at the end without having to worry about that horrible blue shell. It doesn’t even do that much for the person that gets it. I mean yeah it knocks out the person in first, but you are still only hurting one person. GRR. Stupid blue shell. I hate you!

4. League of Legends / DOTA 2
If you have played League of Legends or DOTA 2 (Defense of the Ancients) or any other MOBA then you know the fire that burns deep within while playing these games. It is not so much the game itself but rather the players that you are teamed with. It is awful when you get a group of people who all want to be mid. There is only one MID, pick a different role! Or when you are the ADC and your support keeps killing all the creeps; or even worse, taking your kills. You are the SUPPORT; you SUPPORT your ADC. That means not stealing my kills or my gold! And then there is feeding. Don’t get me started on that. Okay, whew! I am okay now. If you don’t play any MOBAs then you have no idea what I am talking about. But if you do, then you know the rage that is sure to come while playing League or DOTA.

3. Castlevania
This is another two-word situation we have here folks, and that would be”¦Medusa Heads. Yes, Castlevania is already incredibly difficult, but then you have these flying, no-neck horrors who will pop on the screen right in front of your face. The other monsters that Dracula put in his castle were bad enough, but the Medusa Heads were really hard to figure out and often resulted in your death. Not cool, Dracula”¦not cool!

2. Super Ghouls “˜N Ghosts
This game was notoriously hard. And it would probably be on this list just for the fact that it is so hard. The games of this era were hard and that was the standard, but Super Ghouls “˜N Ghosts went above and beyond. Because this game pulled the trolliest move ever. Once you beat all the levels and think you have beaten the final boss, you have to go back to the beginning and do it all over again and beat it twice. What what what?! Twice?! I thought I just beat it? Oh no, I have to go back to the beginning and do it again. F you Super Ghouls “˜N Ghosts, you are just a stupid, mean, annoying troll!

1. Super Meat Boy
Super Meat Boy will always be number one on my list. I have never beaten the game and I probably never will. Don’t get me wrong, it is a great game, but I can’t play it for more than about 30 minutes. The amount of expletives that will fly from my mouth are quite scary, and it is not a pretty sight when I try to sit down and beat it. I just don’t have the patience to sit there and figure it out. I don’t like dying over and over. It is not fun. Again, it is a good game — the controls are good and I like the story a lot. Maybe being not that great at platformers doesn’t help, but I know I am not the only one to rage over this game. It is just too much for me, if you want to see my face turn red and see smoke come out of my ears, just have me play this game.

Is gamer rage unhealthy? Probably. Should I seek help for my fiery rage that lies deep within that is unleashed when playing some games? Perhaps. But sometimes the best games are the most frustrating. So what about you? Do you ever get gamer rage? And what game makes you rage the most?
It’s all fun and games till someone pick the Rainbow Road!!!
Comment by DAVID WALSTON — June 30, 2014 @ 4:05 pm