Speedrunning video games has become something of an art form, as well as a competition of sorts. Back in the old days, it was all about who had the coveted high score of a game, such as Donkey Kong, for example. But as games have evolved into massive, immersive experiences, points have stepped out of the picture and speed is now king.
Seeing games that take most gamers 50, 70, and 100+ hours to beat completed in a matter of minutes is surreal, to say the least. That’s not more true than it is when talking about the games of Bethesda Softworks, who are famous for their unbelievably enormous living, breathing open-world action-adventure RPGs. So when you see someone beat one of their games, the post-apocalyptic classic Fallout 3, in only 24 short minutes, you will understand the awe.
You can see the video of Fallout 3 being beaten in 24 minutes below.
Now, it should be pointed out that you can’t just beat a game like Fallout 3 in 24 minutes. It’s not possible. There’s far too much to do in even the most basic of playthroughs to accomplish such a feat. But that’s the point of a speedrun—to find ways to beat a game a quickly as humanly possible. Usually these speedruns involve taking advantage of the many glitches found in a game, as you’ll see in the video. This may look like cheating or hacking, but it’s simply using these “shortcuts” found within the final product to reach the finish line the fastest.
So far, it’s YouTube user BubblesDelFuego who has found the fastest route—not something that’s always easy to do. While it looks like he’s simply running straight to where he’s going, you’ll often encounter obstacles and landmarks and locations in this gigantic map you can’t run through or jump over. On top of that, he’s able to consistently run right past enemies without dying, despite being shot/injured often. I bumped into a mole rat early in my game and was dead before I could figure out what the hell was going on. One benefit to allocating all points into Endurance at the start.
While impressive I’m not gonna lie, seeing a game as magnificent as this one sprinted through is a bit painful to watch. These games are meant to be enjoyed slowly, a few hours here and there over a long period of time. For you to escape your reality and exist in another world at another time and to do and see things you wouldn’t if you walked out your front door. It took me longer than this video to NAME my freakin’ character for my personal Fallout 3 playthrough, to give you some perspective. Ah well…at least you don’t miss out on some of that fatherly Liam Neeson love in the speedrun.
Still, one has to assume that someone who’s figured out a speedrun route such as this has spent more time than most exploring the map and discovering the shortcuts, so props to BubblesDelFuego. Just don’t go trying to replicate this run without first giving the game the full playthrough treatment it deserves!
UPDATE: Someone has apparently already beaten this record, using the same technique. That can be seen below as well.
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