It’s that time once again folks, as we have officially come to the close of the summer movie season and get ready for Oscar season and the winter holiday films. I’ve been looking over my list of new movies I have seen this year — and yes this includes older movies as well, but also movies that I have seen for the first time – to pick my favorites so far. So the easiest step of my process for this post is to first go through and get rid of the older movies and then get into the nitty gritty of compiling my top ten movies of 2016…so far.
So here we go….
10. Ghostbusters
I’ve actually gone back and forth on this first spot between the new Ghostbusters and X:Men Apocalypse. I decided to lock in Ghostbusters and I feel OK with that as the number 10 pick at this point is usually the first to leave as a greater movie enters my list at the end of the year. But even with all of the bad buzz surrounding this reboot, I ending up laughing out loud a few times; Kate McKinnon and Chris Hemsworth pretty much stole the show; plus, I saw it in IMAX 3D, which added a little something as well.
9. Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice: Ultimate Cut
Another movie that was not received too well was Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. Initially, I fell on the side of thinking it was OK, and then a few months later, we got the Ultimate Cut Blu-ray Edition, which added 30 minutes, and made it even better in my book, which why is why that version of the film has landed at #9. But once again, being at the end of the list, means it’s going to struggle to still be here for my end of the year compilation.
8. Neon Demon
WTF pretty much explains my mind as I watched this one in the theaters. I always have one movie on my top ten list that is a weird one that most people won’t get. And I am not even sure I got this one, but Neon Demon was a great visual ride with some great music, and one that is going to need a repeat viewing when it comes out on Blu-ray.
7. Sing Street
A few years ago, I was blown away by a little movie called Once. A few years later, John Carney gave us Begin Again, which I thought was good, but not near Once. And this year, he’s back again with Sing Street. Pretty much each of these movies gives us a great story about a boy and girl and their relationship, which doesn’t always end on a happy note. But either way, always a great soundtrack, and one that will be bought as soon as I can get it.
6. Deadpool
Sick of the ole super heroes movies? Need a little something to refresh your love for comic book movies? Well, Deadpool was that and more. This one was proof that an R-rated big-screen comic book adaptation can work if it is done well. Plus, with all of the fourth-wall breaking, Deadpool is thinking and saying all of the things you are thinking while watching comic book movies; for example, the superhero landing.
5. Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates
It seems that this year is filled with some great comedies, and we have this one that was over the top and raunchy that made me and the crowd that was with me in the theater laugh. Can’t wait to see Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates again to catch all those one-liners I missed because I was laughing. I went in with low expectations and as you can tell, I came out really liking it.
4. The Shallows
You could say it’s been awhile since we’ve had a great shark movie, and by good, I mean one that didn’t have the word “Mega” or “…nado” in the title or one that was really over the top and crazy. Starring Blake Lively, The Shallows goes back to basics: one lady stranded on a rock with a large shark swimming around waiting for his chance to take a little bite out of her. My heart was racing and I had a tight grip on the seat as well at times. I am looking forward to seeing how this holds up on my TV compared to seeing it in the theaters. A little slow at first, but after that, all kinds of awesome.
3. Finding Dory
Pixar is once again back, and this time we have a sequel to the classic animated feature Finding Nemo. Last year, the studio had a mixed bag with Inside Out and The Good Dinosaur. But I would say things are looking good with Finding Dory, as it was great to be back in that world. Also, this sequel had some feels, perhaps not as much as the original, but still a great movie and worthy of the #3 spot on my list.
2. The Nice Guys
A movie that came out of nowhere and made quite the impact, but you already know that by where it lies on my list. This was just an all around fun time,and great job with Ryan Gosling and Russell Crowe, they played off each other nicely. Glad this is coming out on Blu-ray in a few weeks, I’m looking forward to seeing The Nice Guys again.
1. 10 Cloverfield Lane
And as we get to the top spot, let’s talk about the movie that we didn’t even know was coming out until a few weeks before it was released in theater: 10 Cloverfield Lane. I kind of wish more movies would do that, since we live in age where people need to know as much as they can before they even are sitting in the theaters. But enough about that, this movie was a wild and tense ride that had the heart pumping at times and feeling creepy at others. I was a huge fan of Cloverfield, and was excited for this one, and the icing on the cake for me, was the fact it was directed by Totally Rad Show alum, Dan Trachtenberg.
And so there is my list — how does it compare to yours at this point? I look forward to seeing which movies are going to still be there at the end of the year. Oscar season is coming and it’s going to come down to summer fluff vs dramatic films for the top ten movies of 2016. Looking over my list for this year so far, I would say the biggest surprise is the number of comedies in it, as I typically tend to lean towards the dramatic and those are the ones that stick with me.
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