Fear the Walking Dead
Season 2 Episode 10 “Do Not Disturb”
Directed by Michael McDonough
Written by Lauren Signorino
Starring Kim Dickens, Cliff Curtis, Frank Dillane, Alycia Debnam-Carey, Lorenzo James Henrie, Mercedes Mason, Danay Garcia
Air Date: Sunday, September 4, 2016, 9pm
Spoilers for Fear the Walking Dead…
Since its mid-season 2 premiere with Episode 2.8, Fear the Walking Dead has mostly focused on Nick and his journey to self-discovery and his quest to settle down in a place where the “dead” aren’t considered monsters. It seems he might have found that place in the Colonia he’s joined in Mexico. Meanwhile, his mother Madison and sister Alicia are reluctantly on their own path with fellow survivors Ofelia and Victor Strand, who were last seen fighting off walkers at an abandoned hotel.
But, we still haven’t found out what happened to Madison’s fiance Travis and his son Chris, who took off on their own because Chris was seemingly going off the rails and his father was concerned for him.
This new episode, 2.10 “Do Not Disturb,” we catch up with Travis and Chris on the road, and also go back to Alicia, who’s still stuck in her room in the hotel.
This episode was quite annoying to watch, and had most of the characters been killed off, I’d have been fine with that. A trio of “Bros” from San Diego on Spring Break were introduced, and why why why must we be subjected to these people? They think it’s like real cool, bro, to live like this with no rules, no government, it’s all total freedom. Please, let these guys be eaten asap.
Anyhow, the episode starts out with a flashback at the hotel when the “sickness” was still only rumored. There’s a beautiful wedding happening in one of the ballrooms. There are two workers “” Elena and her nephew Hector “” who appear to be worried, as the family enjoys the celebration. But, the mother of the bride starts to get agitated because she’s afraid of the rumored sickness affecting her family and guests. So, the mother tells Elena to evacuated them all out. But, before that can happen, the father of the bride collapses of an apparent heart attack on the dance floor. The bride gives her father CPR, and you can guess what happened then, right? That’s right, Daddy turns right then and there, and bites his little girl in the face, causing widespread panic. There’s only one thing Hector and Elena can do: lock all the guests in. That dad sure does turn REAL quickly. That’s convenient. Anyhow, in the present, Elena shows up again, because she apparently has not left the hotel tower since the contagion.
Meanwhile, in the present, Alicia is still sequestered in her room unable to get back to her mother Madison and Strand, who were last seen being attacked on the ground floor by walkers. Also, Ofelia is still mysteriously missing. Alicia decides to venture into the hallway, and is quickly cut off on both ends by walkers, so she pries open the elevator doors and jumps onto the cables. But now she’s trapped there. Thankfully, here comes Elena to save her. Elena then tells Alicia the story of the wedding and how she locked up the guest “” essentially making the first flashback scene unnecessary. Now, the remaining dozen or so guests have taken Hector hostage until Elena hands over the hotel keys because whomever holds the keys controls the hotel. (We find out that it was Elena who corralled the walkers into rooms and then hung the Do Not Disturb signs on the doors to mark the infected areas.) Alicia says she will help Elena get Hector back if she helps her find her mother. Apparently, Alicia, who’s been a real bitch to her mom for a while now, finally realizes that her mother would die for her. Alicia, who we saw early on practicing her butterfly knife skills, tells Elena that her group has been through a lot, and can fight the strength of double the people. Ok, Elena is in.
So, Chris and Travis…. By the end of this episode, you will want Chris to be chowed down on by a hungry walker. Unfortunately, that doesn’t happen. Travis does not deserve a horrible son like this. We finally see the father and son; they are walking along the road, with Travis having an injury to his foot. Time for Chris to learn how to drive! Amazingly, Chris not only learned to drive on the spot, but he managed to AVOID hitting a walker on the road (unlike, Lori on The Walking Dead!).
They eventually find a station wagon, and while Travis breaks into it, Chris goes into a nearby mom & pop store to look for supplies. He sees mom & pop dead on the ground and hears voices from the back room “” these are the Spring Break Bros from America “” so he quickly swipes some bottled waters and a large can of beans from the counter. As he goes to leave, two of the murderous robbers come out from the back room, while another one comes through the front door, along with some walkers. Chris kills the walkers, including one that was attacking one of the men, and then runs out, getting into the car with Travis and they take off.
The car eventually runs out of gas at nighttime, so Chris and Travis camp out nearby. But, here comes the Spring Break Bros! They’ve looking for the boy who stole their beans. Chris and Travis come out from hiding and explain themselves, and then the five men have a lovely campfire. They brag about their kills, but Travis says he doesn’t count. Chris volunteers his number “” 17, and he says it gets easier to do the more he does it. Travis can see that these are not the type of people he wants to hook up with, but Chris really wants to be one of the Bros. He thinks his dad doesn’t want to go with the boys because he wants to be able to get back to Madison eventually. Grow the fuck up, Chris, will you!
Back at the hotel, it’s daytime, and Alicia lures walkers into a room, so Elena can lock them in, and Alicia then does a death-defying climb across the balcony into the adjacent room. Then, they head down to the lobby to look for Madison. When they get there, Alicia is confronted by a walker that clearly looks like Madison “” but thankfully, it’s not! After she kills a few, the Hotel Guests come up from behind them. They have Hector hostage. They’ll give over Hector for Elena’s keys, but first, Alicia wants to know if they’ve seen Madison. They haven’t. OK, here’s the keys, here’s Hector, and then Alicia opens the doors and hides behind them, sending the walkers straight at the hotel guests. Alicia, Elena, and Hector escape the area and try to open a door as the walkers close in on them. Thankfully, the door finally opens and Madison and Strand are on the other end, and pull them into safety.
Back to the Spring Break Bros, who, the more you see them, the more you want them crushed to death. It’s daytime and they are on the road. Head bro, Brandon, is riding in the back of the pick-up truck with Travis, and he’s talking about how like awesome like the apocalypse is, man, because of all the like, freedom, you know, bro? No rules, man, woo hoo! Travis, a grown, mature adult, looks at this trust fund brat like he’s a complete moron, because, he is. Upfront, Bros Derek and Baby James brag about their sexual conquests, which really impresses idiot Chris. Eventually, they come upon a farmhouse, which appears deserted. The four idiot boys want to go looking around, but Travis wants Chris to stay behind, and also says he thinks this place would be great for them to settle down in. Chris, though, wants to keep on going with the Bros because they like understand him, totally, man. (OMG, this kid is an idiot!!!!!! I hope they give him sweet love in the booty in the next episode!)
Ok, so the idiot bros and wannabe bro Chris go searching, while Travis finds a small gravesite on the property. The bros find a chicken barn with live chickens in it. “Protein, bro!” one of the idiots says, and then the four dunces start chasing chickens. That is, until the farmer shows up with a shotgun, shouting at them in Spanish. The Bros don’t understand Spanish, but Travis shows up and tries to tell the farmer that they will leave and that there’s no problemo. Too bad there IS un problemo because Chris points his gun at the farmer, against his father’s wishes. Then dumbest bro snaps the neck of one of the chickens, setting off the farmer, who then shoots the boy, so then Chris shoots the farmer. Really, Chris?!!! Obviously, Travis is upset by his psycho son’s actions. Chris, thinking he did a good thing (no, no you did not, Chris!), looks confused that his dad isn’t jumping for joy.
Travis, I think it’s time to let your crazy boy go. There’s no psychiatric drugs or psychotherapy in the apocalypse and this latest action proves that Chris is deep down a dark path. Let the Bros deal with his shit, while you go find your love Madison. Please, it’s for your own good.
Fear the Walking Dead: Next on: ‘Do Not Disturb’ Episode 210
Next on Fear The Walking Dead on AMC.
[Photo Credit: Richard Foreman Jr/AMC. Used with permission.]
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I really want to like this show but it keeps being very close to awful. It’s bad enough that we’re halfway through season two and we don’t really care that much about any of the main characters, but the writers keep doing stupid crap on top of it all. Like in this episode, the bride’s father turning that quickly. As far as we know the instantaneous conversion doesn’t happen in this zombie apocalypse. I don’t recall seeing this before. Also, in last week’s episode, I didn’t know zombies could drop six stories to the ground and then get up and walk around. I guess their bones don’t break? Sheesh! Yes, it was a cool effect to see zombies dropping from the hotel balconies, but they’d be mashed! The writers and producers really need to get it together on this show or I “fear” it’s not going to be around much longer.
With that said, I actually didn’t mind the “bros” in this episode. Yes, they were annoying as hell but I don’t think it’s out of the realm of possibility you might run into people like this in this type of scenario. Plus they’re good zombie bait because you know they’re gonna die at some point. And the situation with Travis and Chris is actually pretty compelling. It’s easy as a viewer to say Travis should ditch his psycho kid but you know in a real situation you’d never be able to do that. So what’s he gonna do? That is something I’m actually interested in seeing how it resolves. Hopefully they don’t take the easy road and have Chris experience some sort of life-threatening close call because of his recklessness and he suddenly realizes the errors of his ways and becomes a good kid. This situation with Travis and Chris is a potentially very real dilemma and I hope it’s handled smartly by the writers, even if that means a tragic conclusion.
But all in all there are just too many stupid and nonsensical things happening in this show (yes, far too many to go into here), which really doesn’t help the show’s credibility when we’re still trying to get behind our main characters. I know it’s hard to do a Walking Dead spin-off that’s going to be as good as the original. And we can’t forget that it took Walking Dead several seasons to really get on track to the quality juggernaut the show is now. But I thought Kirkman and their production team would come up with a smarter show than this. I’m still hoping the show finds its footing and starts showing some improvement. I don’t know if the ratings on this show are strong enough to keep it going but it’s not good that this show is laughed at in comparison to The Walking Dead. And I feel sorry for Chris Harwick on “Talking Dead” trying to act all enthused about what’s happening on this show. You can tell it’s a struggle.
Comment by Hugomarink — September 6, 2016 @ 2:10 pm