For the latest installment of their “8-Bit Cinema” series, CineFix has turned the holiday classic Home Alone into an 8-bit video game.
The game version of the movie is heavily inspired by The Legend of Zelda, with a bit of other games like Super Mario Bros. used for certain areas like the scary basement. Click on over to the other side now to check out the video.
This looks fun and all, but let us not forget: there are also very real Home Alone video games out there you could actually play. I personally have spent many hours playing this one right here (and still have it around here somewhere), believe it or not. Ahhh, the good old days. When pizza was stored in drawers, money was stashed in the toilet, water guns were so powerful they could knock the wind right out of you, and bottom of the barrel crooks like Marv and Harry brought 1930s gangsters to your house for some reason.
You can check out 8-bit video game versions of other movies like Fight Club, Quentin Tarantino’s Kill Bill, the original Star Wars trilogy, and even another holiday classic, A Christmas Story, if you haven’t seen them.
If you missed it, be sure to also check out CineFix’s 9 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Home Alone video from a couple of years back. You can also click right here to find some more Home Alone related content, including Macaulay Culkin reprising his role as Kevin McCallister last year.
Many more videos can also be found over at the CineFix YouTube channel.
Ho-Ho-Ho-Home Alone returns as a retro action-packed arcade game for your holiday cheer! So sit back, relax, stir up some hot cocoa, and watch little McAllister cause some mayhem. Happy Holidays!
Directed by Norwood Cheek
Animation by Raz Mergian
Music and titles by Norwood Cheek
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